udi: Prefix, Suffix and Derived words
Prefixes of udi
- saudi«Word Popularity Bar5/5
- noun a native or inhabitant of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabian.
- adjective of or relating to Saudi Arabia or its people
- the Saudi-Arabian desert
- the Saudi royal family
- noun a native or inhabitant of Saudi Arabia
- audi3/5
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- gaudi2/5
- noun Spanish architect who was a leading exponent of art nouveau in Europe (1852-1926)
Antonio Gaudi; Antonio Gaudi i Cornet; Gaudi i Cornet.
- noun Spanish architect who was a leading exponent of art nouveau in Europe (1852-1926)
- scudi2/5
(Com.) (a) A silver coin, and money of account, used in Italy and Sicily, varying in value, in different parts, but worth about 4 shillings sterling, or about 96 cents; also, a gold coin worth about the same. (b) A gold coin of Rome, worth 64 shillings 11 pence sterling, or about $ 15.70.
- ludi2/5
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- yehudi2/5
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- mochudi1/5
Suffixes of udi
- udine«Word Popularity Bar2/5
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Derived words of udi
- including«Word Popularity Bar5/5
- verb have as a part, be made up out of
- The list includes the names of many famous writers
- verb consider as part of something
- I include you in the list of culprits
- verb have as a part, be made up out of
- studies5/5
- noun a detailed critical inspection
- noun applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)
- mastering a second language requires a lot of work
- no schools offer graduate study in interior design
- noun a detailed critical inspection
- audience5/5
- noun a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance
- the audience applauded
- someone in the audience began to cough
- noun the part of the general public interested in a source of information or entertainment
- every artist needs an audience
- the broadcast reached an audience of millions
- noun a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance
- studied5/5
- adjective produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation
- a studied smile
- a note of biting irony and studied insult"- V.L.Parrington
- verb consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning
canvas; study; analyse; examine; canvass; analyze.
- analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare
- analyze the evidence in a criminal trial
- analyze your real motives
- adjective produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation
- judicial5/5
- adjective satellite decreed by or proceeding from a court of justice
- a judicial decision
- adjective belonging or appropriate to the office of a judge
- judicial robes
- adjective satellite decreed by or proceeding from a court of justice
- studio5/5
- noun workplace for the teaching or practice of an art
- she ran a dance studio
- the music department provided studios for their students
- you don't need a studio to make a passport photograph
- noun an apartment with a living space and a bathroom and a small kitchen
studio apartment.
- noun workplace for the teaching or practice of an art
- audio5/5
- noun the audible part of a transmitted signal
- they always raise the audio for commercials
- noun an audible acoustic wave frequency
audio frequency.
- noun the audible part of a transmitted signal
- audit5/5
- noun an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
audited account.
- noun a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation
- he made an audit of all the plants on his property
- an energy efficiency audit
- an email log audit
- noun an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
- prejudice5/5
- noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
preconception; bias.
- verb disadvantage by prejudice
- noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
- audiences5/5
- noun a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance
- the audience applauded
- someone in the audience began to cough
- noun the part of the general public interested in a source of information or entertainment
- every artist needs an audience
- the broadcast reached an audience of millions
- noun a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance
- longitudinal5/5
- adjective of or relating to lines of longitude
- longitudinal reckoning by the navigator
- adjective satellite running lengthwise
- a thin longitudinal strip
- longitudinal measurements of the hull
- adjective of or relating to lines of longitude
- concluding5/5
- adjective satellite occurring at or forming an end or termination
terminal; last; final.
- his concluding words came as a surprise
- the final chapter
- the last days of the dinosaurs
- terminal leave
- verb decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion
reason; reason out; conclude.
- We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house
- adjective satellite occurring at or forming an end or termination
- auditory4/5
- adjective of or relating to the process of hearing
auditive; audile.
- auditory processing
- an audile person
- adjective of or relating to the process of hearing
- excluding4/5
- verb prevent from being included or considered or accepted
take out; omit; except; leave off; leave out.
- The bad results were excluded from the report
- Leave off the top piece
- verb prevent from entering; shut out
keep out; shut out; shut.
- The trees were shutting out all sunlight
- This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country
- verb prevent from being included or considered or accepted
- judith4/5
- noun Jewish heroine in one of the books of the Apocrypha; she saved her people by decapitating the Assyrian general Holofernes
- noun an Apocryphal book telling how Judith saved her people
Book of Judith.
- noun Jewish heroine in one of the books of the Apocrypha; she saved her people by decapitating the Assyrian general Holofernes
- judiciary4/5
- noun persons who administer justice
- noun the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
judicatory; judicial system; judicature.
- noun persons who administer justice
- auditor4/5
- noun someone who listens attentively
listener; hearer; attender.
- noun a student who attends a course but does not take it for credit
- noun someone who listens attentively
- prejudices4/5
- noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
preconception; bias.
- verb disadvantage by prejudice
- noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
- studios4/5
- noun workplace for the teaching or practice of an art
- she ran a dance studio
- the music department provided studios for their students
- you don't need a studio to make a passport photograph
- noun an apartment with a living space and a bathroom and a small kitchen
studio apartment.
- noun workplace for the teaching or practice of an art
- auditing4/5
- noun an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
audited account.
- noun a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation
- he made an audit of all the plants on his property
- an energy efficiency audit
- an email log audit
- noun an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
- auditors4/5
- noun someone who listens attentively
listener; hearer; attender.
- noun a student who attends a course but does not take it for credit
- noun someone who listens attentively
- audible4/5
- noun a football play is changed orally after both teams have assumed their positions at the line of scrimmage
- adjective heard or perceptible by the ear
- he spoke in an audible whisper
- noun a football play is changed orally after both teams have assumed their positions at the line of scrimmage
- claudia4/5
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- auditorium4/5
- noun the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
- noun the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
- rudimentary4/5
- adjective satellite being or involving basic facts or principles
underlying; fundamental.
- the fundamental laws of the universe
- a fundamental incomatibility between them
- these rudimentary truths
- underlying principles
- adjective satellite being in the earliest stages of development
- rudimentary plans
- adjective satellite being or involving basic facts or principles
- audits4/5
- noun an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
audited account.
- noun a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation
- he made an audit of all the plants on his property
- an energy efficiency audit
- an email log audit
- noun an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
- adjudication4/5
- noun the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented
- noun the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented
- judicious4/5
- adjective satellite marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters
wise; heady.
- judicious use of one's money
- a wise decision
- adjective satellite marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters
- freudian4/5
- noun a person who follows the basic theories or practices of Sigmund Freud
- adjective of or relating to Sigmund Freud or his psychoanalytic ideas
- Freudian theories
- noun a person who follows the basic theories or practices of Sigmund Freud
- protruding4/5
- adjective satellite extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary
sticking; jutting; relieved; sticking out; projected; projecting.
- the jutting limb of a tree
- massive projected buttresses
- his protruding ribs
- a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck
- verb extend out or project in space
project; protrude; jut out; stick out; jut.
- His sharp nose jutted out
- A single rock sticks out from the cliff
- adjective satellite extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary
- claudius3/5
- noun Roman Emperor after his nephew Caligula was murdered; consolidated the Roman Empire and conquered southern Britain; was poisoned by his fourth wife Agrippina after her son Nero was named as Claudius' heir (10 BC to AD 54)
Claudius I; Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus.
- noun Roman Emperor after his nephew Caligula was murdered; consolidated the Roman Empire and conquered southern Britain; was poisoned by his fourth wife Agrippina after her son Nero was named as Claudius' heir (10 BC to AD 54)
- ludicrous3/5
- adjective satellite broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce
ridiculous; farcical.
- the wild farcical exuberance of a clown
- ludicrous green hair
- adjective satellite incongruous; inviting ridicule
derisory; idiotic; preposterous; cockeyed; ridiculous; absurd; laughable; nonsensical.
- the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework
- that's a cockeyed idea
- ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer
- a contribution so small as to be laughable
- it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion
- a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history
- her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous
- adjective satellite broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce
- prejudiced3/5
- adjective satellite emanating from a person's emotions and prejudices
- verb disadvantage by prejudice
- adjective satellite emanating from a person's emotions and prejudices
- repudiation3/5
- noun rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid
- Congressional repudiation of the treaty that the President had negotiated
- noun refusal to acknowledge or pay a debt or honor a contract (especially by public authorities)
- the repudiation of the debt by the city
- noun rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid
- prejudicial3/5
- adjective satellite (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury
detrimental; damaging; prejudicious.
- damaging to career and reputation
- the reporter's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant
- adjective tending to favor preconceived ideas
- the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population
- adjective satellite (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury
- audition3/5
- noun the ability to hear; the auditory faculty
auditory sense; sense of hearing; auditory modality; hearing.
- his hearing was impaired
- noun a test of the suitability of a performer
- noun the ability to hear; the auditory faculty
- repudiated3/5
- verb cast off
disown; renounce.
- She renounced her husband
- The parents repudiated their son
- verb refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid
- The woman repudiated the divorce settlement
- verb cast off
- audited3/5
- noun an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
audited account.
- noun a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation
- he made an audit of all the plants on his property
- an energy efficiency audit
- an email log audit
- noun an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
- audiovisual3/5
- noun materials using sight or sound to present information
audiovisual aid.
- language tapes and videocassettes and other audiovisuals
- adjective involving both hearing and seeing (usually relating to teaching aids)
- the school's audiovisual department
- noun materials using sight or sound to present information
- alluding3/5
- verb make a more or less disguised reference to
touch; advert.
- He alluded to the problem but did not mention it
- verb make a more or less disguised reference to
- attitudinal3/5
- adjective of or relating to attitudes
- adjective of or relating to attitudes
- nudity3/5
- noun the state of being without clothing or covering of any kind
nakedness; nudeness.
- noun the state of being without clothing or covering of any kind
- claudio3/5
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- repudiate3/5
- verb cast off
disown; renounce.
- She renounced her husband
- The parents repudiated their son
- verb refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid
- The woman repudiated the divorce settlement
- verb cast off
- talmudic3/5
Of or pertaining to the Talmud; contained in the Talmud; Lightfoot.as, Talmudic Greek;Talmudical phrases.
- erudition3/5
- noun profound scholarly knowledge
eruditeness; encyclopaedism; learnedness; learning; encyclopedism; scholarship.
- noun profound scholarly knowledge
- judiciously3/5
- adverb in a judicious manner
- let's use these intelligence tests judiciously
- adverb in a judicious manner
- rudiments3/5
- noun a statement of fundamental facts or principles
- noun the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural)
ABC; rudiment; first principle; alphabet; first rudiment; ABC's; ABCs.
- he mastered only the rudiments of geometry
- noun a statement of fundamental facts or principles
- erudite3/5
- adjective satellite having or showing profound knowledge
- a learned jurist
- an erudite professor
- adjective satellite having or showing profound knowledge
- intruding3/5
- adjective satellite projecting inward
- verb enter uninvited
intrude; irrupt.
- They intruded on our dinner party
- She irrupted into our sitting room
- adjective satellite projecting inward
- studious3/5
- adjective satellite marked by care and effort
- made a studious attempt to fix the television set
- adjective satellite characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading
- a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket
- a quiet studious child
- adjective satellite marked by care and effort
- judicially3/5
- adverb as ordered by a court
- adverb in a judicial manner
- judicially controlled process
- adverb as ordered by a court
- studia3/5
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- saudis3/5
- noun a native or inhabitant of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabian.
- adjective of or relating to Saudi Arabia or its people
- the Saudi-Arabian desert
- the Saudi royal family
- noun a native or inhabitant of Saudi Arabia
- adjudicate3/5
- verb put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
judge; try.
- The football star was tried for the murder of his wife
- The judge tried both father and son in separate trials
- verb bring to an end; settle conclusively
settle; resolve; decide.
- The case was decided
- The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff
- The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance
- verb put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
- inaudible3/5
- adjective impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear
- an inaudible conversation
- adjective impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear
- adjudicated3/5
- verb put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
judge; try.
- The football star was tried for the murder of his wife
- The judge tried both father and son in separate trials
- verb bring to an end; settle conclusively
settle; resolve; decide.
- The case was decided
- The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff
- The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance
- verb put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
- longitudinally3/5
- adverb across time
- We studied the development of the children longitudinally
- adverb in the direction of the length
lengthways; longways; longwise; lengthwise.
- He cut the paper lengthwise
- adverb across time
- audibly3/5
- adverb in an audible manner
- he spoke audibly
- adverb in an audible manner
- studiously3/5
- adverb in a studious manner
- she examined the data studiously
- adverb in a studious manner
- marauding3/5
- adjective satellite characterized by plundering or pillaging or marauding
raiding; predatory.
- bands of marauding Indians
- predatory warfare
- a raiding party
- verb raid and rove in search of booty
- marauding rebels overran the countryside
- adjective satellite characterized by plundering or pillaging or marauding
- precluding3/5
- verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
forbid; prevent; foreclose; forestall.
- My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
- Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
- verb make impossible, especially beforehand
close out; rule out.
- verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
- houdini3/5
- noun United States magician (born in Hungary) famous for his ability to escape from chains or handcuffs or straitjackets or padlocked containers (1874-1926)
Erik Weisz; Harry Houdini.
- noun United States magician (born in Hungary) famous for his ability to escape from chains or handcuffs or straitjackets or padlocked containers (1874-1926)
- applauding3/5
- verb clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
acclaim; spat; clap.
- verb express approval of
- I applaud your efforts
- verb clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
- auditions3/5
- noun the ability to hear; the auditory faculty
auditory sense; sense of hearing; auditory modality; hearing.
- his hearing was impaired
- noun a test of the suitability of a performer
- noun the ability to hear; the auditory faculty
- multitudinous2/5
- adjective satellite too numerous to be counted
unnumbered; numberless; unnumerable; innumerable; unnumberable; uncounted; myriad; infinite; innumerous; countless.
- incalculable riches
- countless hours
- an infinite number of reasons
- innumerable difficulties
- the multitudinous seas
- myriad stars
- untold thousands
- adjective satellite too numerous to be counted
- claudication2/5
- noun disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet
gameness; lameness; limping; gimpiness; gimp.
- noun disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet
- judicata2/5
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- adjudicator2/5
- noun a person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes
- noun a person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes
- audiencia2/5
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- clouding2/5
- noun the process whereby water particles become visible in the sky
clouding up.
- verb make overcast or cloudy
overcast; cloud.
- Fall weather often overcasts our beaches
- noun the process whereby water particles become visible in the sky
- feuding2/5
- noun a bitter quarrel between two parties
- verb carry out a feud
- The two professors have been feuding for years
- noun a bitter quarrel between two parties
- audiotape2/5
- noun a tape recording of sound
- noun magnetic tape for use in recording sound
- noun a tape recording of sound
- audiology2/5
- noun the measurement of hearing
- noun the measurement of hearing
- repudiating2/5
- verb cast off
disown; renounce.
- She renounced her husband
- The parents repudiated their son
- verb refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid
- The woman repudiated the divorce settlement
- verb cast off
- judicature2/5
- noun an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
tribunal; court.
- noun the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
judicatory; judicial system; judiciary.
- noun an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
- includible2/5
Capable of being included.
- adjudicating2/5
- verb put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
judge; try.
- The football star was tried for the murder of his wife
- The judge tried both father and son in separate trials
- verb bring to an end; settle conclusively
settle; resolve; decide.
- The case was decided
- The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff
- The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance
- verb put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
- zidovudine2/5
- noun an antiviral drug (trade name Retrovir) used in the treatment of AIDS; adverse side effects include liver damage and suppression of the bone marrow
ZDV; Retrovir; AZT.
- noun an antiviral drug (trade name Retrovir) used in the treatment of AIDS; adverse side effects include liver damage and suppression of the bone marrow
- latitudinal2/5
- adjective of or relating to latitudes north or south
- adjective of or relating to latitudes north or south
- claudine2/5
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- eluding2/5
- noun the act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning)
elusion; slip.
- verb escape, either physically or mentally
elude; bilk; evade.
- The thief eluded the police
- This difficult idea seems to evade her
- The event evades explanation
- noun the act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning)
- unprejudiced2/5
- adjective free from undue bias or preconceived opinions
- an unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons
- the impartial eye of a scientist
- adjective free from undue bias or preconceived opinions
- repudiates2/5
- verb cast off
disown; renounce.
- She renounced her husband
- The parents repudiated their son
- verb refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid
- The woman repudiated the divorce settlement
- verb cast off
- audiotapes2/5
- noun a tape recording of sound
- noun magnetic tape for use in recording sound
- noun a tape recording of sound
- injudicious2/5
- adjective satellite lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion; unwise
- an injudicious measure
- the result of an injudicious decision
- adjective satellite lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion; unwise
- studium2/5
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- adjudicative2/5
- adjective concerned with adjudicating
- adjective concerned with adjudicating
- extrajudicial2/5
- adjective satellite beyond the usual course of legal proceedings; legally unwarranted
- an extrajudicial penalty
- adjective satellite beyond the usual course of legal proceedings; legally unwarranted
- deluding2/5
- verb be false to; be dishonest with
cozen; lead on; deceive.
- verb be false to; be dishonest with
- exuding2/5
- verb release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities
ooze out; exudate; ooze; transude.
- exude sweat through the pores
- verb make apparent by one's mood or behavior
- She exudes great confidence
- verb release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities
- ludicrously2/5
- adverb so as to arouse or deserve laughter
ridiculously; preposterously; laughably.
- her income was laughably small, but she managed to live well
- adverb so as to arouse or deserve laughter
- plaudits2/5
- noun enthusiastic approval
acclamation; eclat; acclaim; plaudit.
- the book met with modest acclaim
- he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd
- they gave him more eclat than he really deserved
- noun enthusiastic approval
acclamation; eclat; acclaim; plaudit.
- the book met with modest acclaim
- he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd
- they gave him more eclat than he really deserved
- noun enthusiastic approval
- ludic2/5
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- prudish2/5
- adjective satellite exaggeratedly proper
puritanical; prissy; square-toed; straight-laced; straitlaced; strait-laced; tight-laced; victorian; prim; straightlaced; priggish.
- my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts
- adjective satellite exaggeratedly proper
- occluding2/5
- verb block passage through
obstruct; close up; obturate; jam; impede; block.
- obstruct the path
- verb block passage through
- lamivudine2/5
- noun a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor that is very effective in combination with zidovudine in treating AIDS and HIV
- noun a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor that is very effective in combination with zidovudine in treating AIDS and HIV
- audiologist2/5
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- cloudiness2/5
- noun the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
cloud cover; overcast.
- noun gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover
- noun the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
- audiometry2/5
- noun the measurement of hearing
- noun measuring sensitivity of hearing
- noun the measurement of hearing
- defrauding2/5
- verb deprive of by deceit
rook; scam; gip; nobble; goldbrick; con; short-change; mulct; gyp; bunco; victimize; hornswoggle; diddle; swindle.
- He swindled me out of my inheritance
- She defrauded the customers who trusted her
- the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change
- verb deprive of by deceit
- auditioning2/5
- noun the ability to hear; the auditory faculty
auditory sense; sense of hearing; auditory modality; hearing.
- his hearing was impaired
- noun a test of the suitability of a performer
- noun the ability to hear; the auditory faculty
- colluding2/5
- verb act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose
- The two companies conspired to cause the value of the stock to fall
- verb act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose
- audiologists2/5
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- adjudicatory2/5
- adjective concerned with adjudicating
- adjective concerned with adjudicating
- caudillo2/5
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- adjudications2/5
- noun the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented
- noun the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented
- auditioned2/5
- noun the ability to hear; the auditory faculty
auditory sense; sense of hearing; auditory modality; hearing.
- his hearing was impaired
- noun a test of the suitability of a performer
- noun the ability to hear; the auditory faculty
- altitudinal2/5
- adjective pertaining to altitude
- adjective pertaining to altitude
- lauding2/5
- verb praise, glorify, or honor
exalt; glorify; extol; proclaim.
- extol the virtues of one's children
- glorify one's spouse's cooking
- verb praise, glorify, or honor
- extruding2/5
- verb form or shape by forcing through an opening
squeeze out.
- extrude steel
- verb form or shape by forcing through an opening
- crudity2/5
- noun a wild or unrefined state
crudeness; rudeness; primitivism; primitiveness.
- noun an impolite manner that is vulgar and lacking tact or refinement
crudeness; gaucheness.
- the whole town was famous for its crudeness
- noun a wild or unrefined state
- auditoriums2/5
- noun the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
- noun the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
- unstudied2/5
- adjective not by design or artifice; unforced and impromptu
- an air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved
- simple unstudied charm
- adjective satellite lacking knowledge gained by study often in a particular field
- is unstudied in Latin as he is in may other matters
- adjective not by design or artifice; unforced and impromptu
- boudin2/5
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- nudist2/5
- noun a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion
- noun a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion
- audiometric2/5
- adjective of or relating to audiometry
- adjective of or relating to audiometry
- shrouding2/5
- noun a line that suspends the harness from the canopy of a parachute
- noun (nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind
mainsheet; tack; sheet; weather sheet.
- noun a line that suspends the harness from the canopy of a parachute
- freudians2/5
- noun a person who follows the basic theories or practices of Sigmund Freud
- adjective of or relating to Sigmund Freud or his psychoanalytic ideas
- Freudian theories
- noun a person who follows the basic theories or practices of Sigmund Freud
- audiogram2/5
- noun a graphical representation of a person's auditory sensitivity to sound
- noun a graphical representation of a person's auditory sensitivity to sound
- adjudicators2/5
- noun a person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes
- noun a person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes
- understudied2/5
- noun an actor able to replace a regular performer when required
- verb be an understudy or alternate for a role
- noun an actor able to replace a regular performer when required
- inaudibly2/5
- adverb in an inaudible manner
- she spoke inaudibly low
- adverb in an inaudible manner
- nonjudicial2/5
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- audiocassette2/5
- noun a cassette for audiotape
- noun a cassette for audiotape
- audibility2/5
- noun quality or fact or degree of being audible or perceptible by the ear
- noun quality or fact or degree of being audible or perceptible by the ear
- studier2/5
- noun a detailed critical inspection
- noun applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)
- mastering a second language requires a lot of work
- no schools offer graduate study in interior design
- noun a detailed critical inspection
- prejudicing2/5
- noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
preconception; bias.
- verb disadvantage by prejudice
- noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
- caudillos2/5
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- unaudited2/5
- gertrudis2/5
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- hirudin2/5
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- audiological2/5
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- nonrepudiation2/5
- freudianism2/5
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- crudities2/5
- noun a wild or unrefined state
crudeness; rudeness; primitivism; primitiveness.
- noun an impolite manner that is vulgar and lacking tact or refinement
crudeness; gaucheness.
- the whole town was famous for its crudeness
- noun a wild or unrefined state
- rudiment2/5
- noun the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural)
ABC; first principle; alphabet; first rudiment; ABC's; ABCs.
- he mastered only the rudiments of geometry
- noun the remains of a body part that was functional at an earlier stage of life
- Meckel's diverticulum is the rudiment of the embryonic yolk sac
- noun the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural)
- audiologic2/5
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- latitudinarian2/5
- noun a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and conduct)
- adjective satellite unwilling to accept authority or dogma (especially in religion)
undogmatic; undogmatical; free-thinking.
- noun a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and conduct)
- judiciaries2/5
- noun persons who administer justice
- noun the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
judicatory; judicial system; judicature.
- noun persons who administer justice
- auditee2/5
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- gaudily2/5
- adverb in a tastelessly garish manner
garishly; tawdrily.
- the temple was garishly decorated with bright plastic flowers
- adverb in a tastelessly garish manner
- boudicca2/5
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- laudian2/5
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- judice1/5
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- gaudier1/5
- noun (Britain) a celebratory reunion feast or entertainment held a college
- adjective satellite tastelessly showy
garish; brassy; meretricious; tatty; tawdry; flash; cheap; flashy; tacky; gimcrack; loud; trashy.
- a flash car
- a flashy ring
- garish colors
- a gaudy costume
- loud sport shirts
- a meretricious yet stylish book
- tawdry ornaments
- noun (Britain) a celebratory reunion feast or entertainment held a college
- audiometer1/5
- noun an instrument used to measure the sensitivity of hearing
- noun an instrument used to measure the sensitivity of hearing
- audiocassettes1/5
- noun a cassette for audiotape
- noun a cassette for audiotape
- denuding1/5
- verb lay bare
bare; denudate; strip.
- denude a forest
- verb lay bare
- prejudicially1/5
- adjective satellite (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury
detrimental; damaging; prejudicious.
- damaging to career and reputation
- the reporter's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant
- adjective tending to favor preconceived ideas
- the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population
- adjective satellite (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury
- platitudinous1/5
- adjective satellite dull and tiresome but with pretensions of significance or originality
bromidic; platitudinal; corny.
- bromidic sermons
- adjective satellite dull and tiresome but with pretensions of significance or originality
- judicium1/5
- injudiciously1/5
- adverb in an injudicious manner
- these intelligence tests were used injudiciously for many years
- adverb in an injudicious manner
- auditable1/5
- audiobooks1/5
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- dilaudid1/5
- noun a narcotic analgesic (trade name Dilaudid) used to treat moderate to severe pain
hydromorphone; hydromorphone hydrochloride.
- noun a narcotic analgesic (trade name Dilaudid) used to treat moderate to severe pain
- nudism1/5
- noun going without clothes as a social practice
- noun going without clothes as a social practice
- adjudicates1/5
- verb put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
judge; try.
- The football star was tried for the murder of his wife
- The judge tried both father and son in separate trials
- verb bring to an end; settle conclusively
settle; resolve; decide.
- The case was decided
- The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff
- The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance
- verb put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
- prudishness1/5
- noun excessive or affected modesty
primness; prudery; Grundyism.
- noun excessive or affected modesty
- nudists1/5
- noun a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion
- noun a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion
- obtruding1/5
- verb push to thrust outward
push out; thrust out.
- verb thrust oneself in as if by force
- The colors don't intrude on the viewer
- verb push to thrust outward
- audiovisuals1/5
- noun materials using sight or sound to present information
audiovisual aid.
- language tapes and videocassettes and other audiovisuals
- adjective involving both hearing and seeing (usually relating to teaching aids)
- the school's audiovisual department
- noun materials using sight or sound to present information
- auditoria1/5
- noun the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
- noun the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
- bermudian1/5
- noun a native or inhabitant of Bermuda
- noun a native or inhabitant of Bermuda
- auditorily1/5
- adjective of or relating to the process of hearing
auditive; audile.
- auditory processing
- an audile person
- adjective of or relating to the process of hearing
- latitudinarianism1/5
A latitudinarian system or condition; freedom of opinion in matters pertaining to religious belief. Fierce sectarianism bred fierce latitudinarianism. De Quincey.
He [Ammonius Saccas] plunged into the wildest latitudinarianism of opinion. J. S. Harford.
- nudie1/5
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- injudicial1/5
Not according to the forms of law; not judicial. R.
- clairaudience1/5
- audiograms1/5
- noun a graphical representation of a person's auditory sensitivity to sound
- noun a graphical representation of a person's auditory sensitivity to sound
- rudimental1/5
Rudimentary. Addison.
- nudibranchs1/5
- noun any of various marine gastropods of the suborder Nudibranchia having a shell-less and often beautifully colored body
sea slug.
- noun any of various marine gastropods of the suborder Nudibranchia having a shell-less and often beautifully colored body
- understudies1/5
- noun an actor able to replace a regular performer when required
- verb be an understudy or alternate for a role
- noun an actor able to replace a regular performer when required
- repudiations1/5
- noun rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid
- Congressional repudiation of the treaty that the President had negotiated
- noun refusal to acknowledge or pay a debt or honor a contract (especially by public authorities)
- the repudiation of the debt by the city
- noun rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid
- crudites1/5
- noun raw vegetables cut into bite-sized strips and served with a dip
- noun raw vegetables cut into bite-sized strips and served with a dip
- auditive1/5
- adjective of or relating to the process of hearing
audile; auditory.
- auditory processing
- an audile person
- adjective of or relating to the process of hearing
- talmudists1/5
One versed in the Talmud; one who adheres to the teachings of the Talmud.
- judicatory1/5
- noun the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
judicial system; judiciary; judicature.
- noun the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
- excludible1/5
- latitudinarians1/5
- noun a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and conduct)
- adjective satellite unwilling to accept authority or dogma (especially in religion)
undogmatic; undogmatical; free-thinking.
- noun a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and conduct)
- judiciousness1/5
- noun good judgment
- noun the trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating
sagaciousness; sagacity.
- noun good judgment
- ludicrousness1/5
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- secluding1/5
- verb keep away from others
sequester; withdraw; sequestrate.
- He sequestered himself in his study to write a book
- verb keep away from others
- audiencias1/5
- mudir1/5
- pudica1/5
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- audiobook1/5
Sorry, we do not have the definition for this word.
- nudibranch1/5
- noun any of various marine gastropods of the suborder Nudibranchia having a shell-less and often beautifully colored body
sea slug.
- noun any of various marine gastropods of the suborder Nudibranchia having a shell-less and often beautifully colored body
- talmudist1/5
One versed in the Talmud; one who adheres to the teachings of the Talmud.
- valetudinarian1/5
- noun weak or sickly person especially one morbidly concerned with his or her health
- adjective of or relating to or characteristic of a person who is a valetudinarian
- noun weak or sickly person especially one morbidly concerned with his or her health
- audion1/5
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- gaudiness1/5
- noun tasteless showiness
tawdriness; glitz; meretriciousness; flashiness; brashness; loudness; garishness.
- noun strident color or excessive ornamentation
- noun tasteless showiness
- enshrouding1/5
- verb cover as if with a shroud
shroud; hide; cover.
- The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery
- verb cover as if with a shroud
- judicatories1/5
- noun the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
judicial system; judiciary; judicature.
- noun the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
- caudillismo1/5
- attitudinally1/5
- adjective of or relating to attitudes
- adjective of or relating to attitudes
- audiometers1/5
- noun an instrument used to measure the sensitivity of hearing
- noun an instrument used to measure the sensitivity of hearing
- judicare1/5
- rudie1/5
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- audios1/5
- noun the audible part of a transmitted signal
- they always raise the audio for commercials
- noun an audible acoustic wave frequency
audio frequency.
- noun the audible part of a transmitted signal
- repudiatory1/5
- restudied1/5
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- quasijudicial1/5
- studiousness1/5
- noun diligent study
- noun diligent study
- pudicitia1/5
- studiedly1/5
- adjective produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation
- a studied smile
- a note of biting irony and studied insult"- V.L.Parrington
- verb consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning
canvas; study; analyse; examine; canvass; analyze.
- analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare
- analyze the evidence in a criminal trial
- analyze your real motives
- adjective produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation
- audita1/5
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- audiophile1/5
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- talmudical1/5
Of or pertaining to the Talmud; contained in the Talmud; Lightfoot.as, Talmudic Greek;Talmudical phrases.
- nonprejudiced1/5
- cloudier1/5
- adjective satellite lacking definite form or limits
nebulose; nebulous.
- gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion"- H.T.Moore
- nebulous distinction between pride and conceit
- adjective full of or covered with clouds
- cloudy skies
- adjective satellite lacking definite form or limits
- gaudiest1/5
- noun (Britain) a celebratory reunion feast or entertainment held a college
- adjective satellite tastelessly showy
garish; brassy; meretricious; tatty; tawdry; flash; cheap; flashy; tacky; gimcrack; loud; trashy.
- a flash car
- a flashy ring
- garish colors
- a gaudy costume
- loud sport shirts
- a meretricious yet stylish book
- tawdry ornaments
- noun (Britain) a celebratory reunion feast or entertainment held a college
- judices1/5
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- audiolingual1/5
- preludio1/5
- bermudians1/5
- noun a native or inhabitant of Bermuda
- noun a native or inhabitant of Bermuda
- orudis1/5
- noun nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Orudis or Orudis KT or Oruvail)
ketoprofen; Orudis KT; Oruvail.
- noun nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Orudis or Orudis KT or Oruvail)
- clairaudient1/5
- audiophiles1/5
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- latitudinally1/5
- adjective of or relating to latitudes north or south
- adjective of or relating to latitudes north or south
- auditees1/5
- boudins1/5
- preluding1/5
- noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
overture; preliminary.
- training is a necessary preliminary to employment
- drinks were the overture to dinner
- noun music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera
- noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
- inaudibility1/5
- noun the quality of not being perceptible by the ear
- noun the quality of not being perceptible by the ear
- judical1/5
- adjective of or relating to or characteristic of the Jews or their culture or religion
- the Judaic idea of justice
- adjective of or relating to or characteristic of the Jews or their culture or religion
- hirudinea1/5
(Zoöl.) An order of Annelida, including the leeches; -- called also Hirudinei .
- praeludium1/5
- plaudit1/5
- noun enthusiastic approval
plaudits; acclamation; eclat; acclaim.
- the book met with modest acclaim
- he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd
- they gave him more eclat than he really deserved
- noun enthusiastic approval
- audiogenic1/5
- rudimentarily1/5
- adjective satellite being or involving basic facts or principles
underlying; fundamental.
- the fundamental laws of the universe
- a fundamental incomatibility between them
- these rudimentary truths
- underlying principles
- adjective satellite being in the earliest stages of development
- rudimentary plans
- adjective satellite being or involving basic facts or principles
- testudines1/5
- noun a movable protective covering that provided protection from above; used by Roman troops when approaching the walls of a besieged fortification
- noun type genus of the Testudinidae
genus Testudo.
- noun a movable protective covering that provided protection from above; used by Roman troops when approaching the walls of a besieged fortification
- attitudinizing1/5
- verb assume certain affected attitudes
- verb assume certain affected attitudes
- laudianism1/5
- judicia1/5
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- extrajudicially1/5
- adjective satellite beyond the usual course of legal proceedings; legally unwarranted
- an extrajudicial penalty
- adjective satellite beyond the usual course of legal proceedings; legally unwarranted
- judicative1/5
Having power to judge; judicial; Hammond.as, the .judicative faculty
- eudiometer1/5
- noun measuring instrument consisting of a graduated glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical reactions between gases
- noun measuring instrument consisting of a graduated glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical reactions between gases
- caudine1/5
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- nonauditory1/5
- skutterudite1/5
(Min.) A mineral of a bright metallic luster and tin-white to pale lead-gray color. It consist of arsenic and cobalt.
- erudites1/5
- adjective satellite having or showing profound knowledge
- a learned jurist
- an erudite professor
- adjective satellite having or showing profound knowledge
- crudités1/5
- judicialized1/5
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- prudishly1/5
- adverb in a prudish manner
- she acts prudishly, but I wonder whether she is really all that chaste
- adverb in a prudish manner
- judicatures1/5
- noun an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
tribunal; court.
- noun the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
judicatory; judicial system; judiciary.
- noun an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
- repudiator1/5
One who repudiates.
- auditories1/5
- adjective of or relating to the process of hearing
auditive; audile.
- auditory processing
- an audile person
- adjective of or relating to the process of hearing
- nudities1/5
- noun the state of being without clothing or covering of any kind
nakedness; nudeness.
- noun the state of being without clothing or covering of any kind
- nonadjudicative1/5
- pudic1/5
(Anat.) Of or pertaining to the external organs of generation.
- audial1/5
- beclouding1/5
- verb make less visible or unclear
befog; haze over; fog; obscure; mist; obnubilate; cloud.
- The stars are obscured by the clouds
- the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley
- verb make less visible or unclear
- consuetudinary1/5
- noun a manual describing the customs of a particular group (especially the ceremonial practices of a monastic order)
- noun a manual describing the customs of a particular group (especially the ceremonial practices of a monastic order)
- audile1/5
- noun one whose mental imagery is auditory rather than visual or motor
- adjective of or relating to the process of hearing
auditive; auditory.
- auditory processing
- an audile person
- noun one whose mental imagery is auditory rather than visual or motor
- nonprejudicial1/5
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- audibles1/5
- noun a football play is changed orally after both teams have assumed their positions at the line of scrimmage
- adjective heard or perceptible by the ear
- he spoke in an audible whisper
- noun a football play is changed orally after both teams have assumed their positions at the line of scrimmage
- unadjudicated1/5
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- erudit1/5
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- valetudinarians1/5
- noun weak or sickly person especially one morbidly concerned with his or her health
- adjective of or relating to or characteristic of a person who is a valetudinarian
- noun weak or sickly person especially one morbidly concerned with his or her health
- testudinidae1/5
- noun land tortoises
family Testudinidae.
- noun land tortoises
- nudiflorum1/5
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- cloudily1/5
- adjective satellite lacking definite form or limits
nebulose; nebulous.
- gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion"- H.T.Moore
- nebulous distinction between pride and conceit
- adjective full of or covered with clouds
- cloudy skies
- adjective satellite lacking definite form or limits
- pulchritudinous1/5
- adjective satellite used of persons only; having great physical beauty
- pulchritudinous movie stars
- adjective satellite used of persons only; having great physical beauty
- testudineus1/5
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- multitudinously1/5
- adjective satellite too numerous to be counted
unnumbered; numberless; unnumerable; innumerable; unnumberable; uncounted; myriad; infinite; innumerous; countless.
- incalculable riches
- countless hours
- an infinite number of reasons
- innumerable difficulties
- the multitudinous seas
- myriad stars
- untold thousands
- adjective satellite too numerous to be counted
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About Prefix and Suffix Words
This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `udi`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.
While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `udi`, some are not.
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About Prefix and Suffix Words
This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `udi`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.
While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `udi`, some are not.
You can click on each word to see it's meaning.