tenant : Idioms & Phrases

Initiate tenant by courtesy

  • (Law), said of a husband who becomes such in his wife's estate of inheritance by the birth of a child, but whose estate is not consummated till the death of the wife.
Webster 1913

Joint tenant

  • (Law), one who holds an estate by joint tenancy.
Webster 1913

life tenant

  • noun a tenant whose legal right to retain possession of buildings or lands lasts as long as they (or some other person) live

tenant farmer

  • noun a farmer who works land owned by someone else

Tenant in capite

  • L. in in + capite, abl. of caput head, chief., ∨
Webster 1913

Tenant in chief

  • by the laws of England, one who holds immediately of the king. According to the feudal system, all lands in England are considered as held immediately or mediately of the king, who is styled lord paramount. Such tenants, however, are considered as having the fee of the lands and permanent possession. Blackstone.
Webster 1913

Tenant in common

  • . See under Common.
Webster 1913

tenant saw

Ten"ant saw`
  1. See Tenon saw, under Tenon.
Webster 1913


Ter"-ten`ant noun
  1. See Terre-tenant.
Webster 1913


Terre"-ten`ant noun
F. terre earth, land + tenant, p.pr. of tenir to hold.
  1. (Law) One who has the actual possession of land; the occupant. Written also ter-tenant.
Webster 1913