lowering (Also lowerings) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to lowering

  • letting down«
  • take down«
  • lower«
  • get down«
  • let down«
  • bring down«
  • lour«
  • turn down«
  • depress«
  • glower«
  • frown«
  • heavy«
  • sullen«
  • threatening«
  • lowering«
  • lower berth«
  • dip«
  • depressor muscle«
  • tapering«
  • glare«
  • subordinate«
  • subdue«
  • incline«
  • reef«
  • cloudy«
  • sullenness«
  • moroseness«
  • derate«
  • depressor«
  • scowl«
  • glumness«
  • go down«
  • come down«
  • fall«
  • take«
  • bring«
  • cloud cover«
  • foot soldier«
  • moody«
  • sour«
  • taper«
  • clouded«
  • cloud«
  • subsidiary«
  • inclination«
  • dark«
  • vaporous«
  • mastery«
  • convey«
  • glowering«
  • foggy«
  • cloudiness«
  • leaden«
  • descend«
  • subordination«
  • dull«
  • smoggy«
  • inclining«
  • dour«
  • hazy«
  • vapourous«
  • miasmic«
  • miasmal«
  • cloud-covered«
  • brumous«
  • morose«
  • overcast«
  • nebular«
  • fogbound«
  • cloudlike«
  • underling«
  • glum«
  • sunless«
  • misty«
  • saturnine«
  • drop«
  • decline«
  • smog«
  • rope down«
  • roll down«
  • climb down«
  • cascade down«
  • cloud bank«
  • bottom dog«
  • take back«
  • bring back«
  • carry«
  • get off«
  • slump«
  • supplementary«
  • correct«
  • set«
  • plunge«
  • supplemental«
  • transfer«
  • transport«
  • transportation«
  • go under«
  • vapor«
  • light«
  • second fiddle«
  • second banana«
  • rain cloud«
  • settle«
  • sink«
  • tube«
  • return«
  • vapour«
  • condensation trail«
  • fog«
  • transit«
  • pitch«
  • conduct«
  • precipitate«
  • cascade«
  • tumble«
  • drip«
  • transmit«
  • storm cloud«
  • moodiness«
  • subside«
  • haze«
  • stratus cloud«
  • nimbus cloud«
  • nacreous cloud«
  • mother-of-pearl cloud«
  • cumulus cloud«
  • cumulonimbus cloud«
  • cirrus cloud«
  • cirrostratus cloud«
  • cirrocumulus cloud«
  • dive«
  • channel«
  • land«
  • crash«
  • dominate«
  • descent«
  • conveyor belt«
  • conveyer belt«
  • avalanche«
  • mist«
  • man«
  • whisk«
  • plunk«
  • dismount«
  • stoop«
  • fetch«
  • conveyer«
  • ferry«
  • nod«
  • flop«
  • murkiness«
  • low-level«
  • cog«
  • transporter«
  • plop«
  • alight«
  • conveyor«
  • auxiliary«
  • cumulus«
  • cirrus«
  • impart«
  • transferral«
  • bob«
  • topple«
  • dullness«
  • prolapse«
  • vapourousness«
  • vaporousness«
  • unhorse«
  • sulkiness«
  • steaminess«
  • smogginess«
  • nebule«
  • mistiness«
  • miasm«
  • ill-natured«
  • fogginess«
  • pounce«
  • conveyance«
  • rappel«
  • haziness«
  • swoop«
  • master«
  • associate«
  • abseil«
  • sourness«
  • thundercloud«
  • cumulonimbus«
  • nebula«
  • miasma«
  • stratus«
  • contrail«
  • meteorology«
  • descendent«
  • cirrostratus«
  • descendant«
  • nimbus«
  • murk«
  • dejected«
  • cirrocumulus«
  • reduction«
  • raise«
  • low«
  • lessen«
  • decrease«
  • cut down«
  • lift«
  • bringing«
  • change«
  • wash up«
  • get up«
  • fog up«
  • come up«
  • clouding up«
  • bring up«
  • strike down«
  • put down«
  • flump down«
  • down in the mouth«
  • down«
  • alter«
  • bring on«
  • modify«
  • supplement«
  • jump«
  • elevate«
  • delivery«
  • break«
  • water vapour«
  • water vapor«
  • fall in«
  • transportation system«
  • potency«
  • mist over«
  • keel over«
  • haze over«
  • move«
  • tube-shaped structure«
  • make a face«
  • bring out«
  • bring in«
  • bring forward«
  • give way«
  • common carrier«
  • give«
  • devalue«
  • sinking«
  • transmission channel«
  • transmission«
  • produce«
  • pull a face«
  • depressed«
  • pipe in«
  • cave in«
  • slide«
  • fell«
  • subsidiary company«
  • carrier wave«
  • carrier«
  • attack aircraft carrier«
  • aircraft carrier«
  • solid ground«
  • advance«
  • haul«
  • drive«
  • suspension«
  • ice fog«
  • under«
  • cross«
  • collapse«
  • transmitting«
  • get«
  • deflated«
  • line«
  • pack«
  • lightening«
  • car transporter«
  • precipitation«
  • authority«
  • trickle«
  • descending«
  • plummet«
  • come«
  • ground«
  • landing«
  • dominance«
  • secondary«
  • bear«
  • spill«
  • mare's tail«
  • evaporate«
  • shoulder«
  • steam«
  • clouding«
  • subject«
  • blue«
  • movement«
  • run aground«
  • communication channel«
  • conductivity«
  • ferrying«
  • bow«
  • fly«
  • authorization«
  • tubing«
  • dry land«
  • dump«
  • meteoric«
  • connection«
  • diminution«
  • dominant«
  • parachute«
  • bearer«
  • altostratus cloud«
  • altocumulus cloud«
  • gloomy«
  • bucket«
  • displace«
  • transshipment«
  • duck«
  • strand«
  • luggage carrousel«
  • conduction«
  • submerge«
  • conductive«
  • relocation«
  • supremacy«
  • grim«
  • dribble«
  • muddy«
  • darken«
  • drippings«
  • steaming«
  • sinker«
  • murky«
  • accessory«
  • airlift«
  • shower«
  • obscure«
  • earth«
  • nagging«
  • bend«
  • port«
  • domination«
  • vaporize«
  • command«
  • nosedive«
  • authorisation«
  • retransmit«
  • bristly«
  • tug«
  • spoiled«
  • cart«
  • grimace«
  • plump«
  • conductor«
  • surly«
  • teleportation«
  • pea soup«
  • chute«
  • add-on«
  • irritable«
  • petulant«
  • fogged«
  • ugly«
  • fussy«
  • waspish«
  • aide«
  • transmittal«
  • lord«
  • dimness«
  • meteorological«
  • vinegarish«
  • vapourish«
  • vapourific«
  • vaporish«
  • vaporise«
  • vaporific«
  • toter«
  • subordinateness«
  • submerse«
  • subduedness«
  • snorty«
  • shirty«
  • say-so«
  • prolapsus«
  • power-dive«
  • pogonip«
  • pettish«
  • pea-souper«
  • obnubilate«
  • nephology«
  • misanthropical«
  • mirky«
  • minify«
  • lustrelessness«
  • lusterlessness«
  • low-spirited«
  • liverish«
  • ill-humoured«
  • ill-humored«
  • huffish«
  • gasify«
  • fogbank«
  • flump«
  • descensus«
  • currish«
  • crash-dive«
  • chopfallen«
  • chapfallen«
  • channelize«
  • channelise«
  • befog«
  • becloud«
  • atrabilious«
  • appurtenance«
  • amort«
  • altostratus«
  • aerology«
  • aerify«
  • misogynous«
  • misogynistic«
  • subsidiarity«
  • sulky«
  • snappy«
  • curtsy«
  • flatness«
  • adjunct«
  • terra firma«
  • chariot«
  • subjugate«
  • thunderhead«
  • tote«
  • downcast«
  • turbid«
  • outclass«
  • ornery«
  • steamy«
  • founder«
  • spoilt«
  • mat«
  • nutation«
  • matte«
  • matt«
  • assistant«
  • nettlesome«
  • resettlement«
  • prickly«
  • peevish«
  • meteorologist«
  • crabbed«
  • tetchy«
  • lonesome«
  • bilious«
  • testy«
  • lonely«
  • lug«
  • techy«
  • crouch«
  • fractious«
  • hotheaded«
  • churlish«
  • disagreeable«
  • misanthropic«
  • peckish«
  • step-down«
  • crusty«
  • snappish«
  • vinegary«
  • connexion«
  • fug«
  • curmudgeonly«
  • dispirited«
  • gruff«
  • cranky«
  • downhearted«
  • overlord«
  • flattop«
  • crotchety«
  • irascible«
  • grumpy«
  • choleric«
  • grouchy«
  • shrewish«
  • altocumulus«
  • cantankerous«
  • crabby«
  • meteorologic«
  • short-tempered«
  • scratchy«
  • climatology«
  • ill-tempered«
  • crestfallen«
  • porter«
  • carrousel«
  • splenetic«
  • dyspeptic«
bad-tempered, quick-tempered, hot-tempered, lighterage, reduce, raising, limit, easing, price reduction, increase, raise up, lessening, boost, ease up, ease off, offset, cut back, cut, weakening, minimize, hike up, hike, dropping, ski lift, lift up, slash, tax shelter, tax credit, affect, controlling, diminish, improve, accelerate, discount, falling, import, rise, reverse stock split, reverse split, reverse, shortening, public exposure, gasoline, weaken, shift, shrinking, slow down, impact, push, compensate, mitigate, approaching, drag, tighten, adjust, recommend, pump, contribute, stabilize, market, inflate, expand, trim down, trim back, trim, strengthen, short temper, short line, conditions, extend, shorten, export, change taste, change owners, change over, change intensity, change integrity, change hands, squeeze, speed up, speed, cause to sleep, wake up, trice up, stir up, spice up, slack up, shake up, sex up, set up, screw up, run up, pick up, matte up, mat up, lighten up, let up, kick up, jack up, heat up, go up, gear up, gather up, fill up, felt up, fatten up, drying up, come up to, cloud up, climb up, chin up, break up, beef up, troop movement, shrink, production, tone down, step down, split down, slide down, shower down, shoot down, set down, scale down, round down, press down, pare down, fall down, cool down, chop down, break down, boil down, deduction, simplify, fat, deflation, load, heighten, better, downward, depreciation, devaluation, even out, even, loosen, freeze, equal, minimise, put, evaporation, adjustment, touch on, pass on, come on, bear on, add on, worsen, moving company, delay, direct, dousing, service of process, power of appointment, line of gab, approach, natural gas, gas, alternative, handing over, spreading, concentrate, help, reform, manufacturing plant, charge, overriding, climb, settling, add, progress, fix, bump around, free fall, multimedia system, highway system, air transportation system, turn over, tump over, tip over, knock over, cloud over, bowl over, control, check, exacerbate, widen, relax, contraction, soften, indirect, make grow, make full, make clean, make, restore, moderation, liberalize, lend, strong, petrol, bring outside, hold, utility, slack, fireman's carry, wind off, shade off, send off, run off, round off, go off, drive off, switch, bear upon, coming, introduction, lighten, soft, removal firm, removal company, crack, upgrade, enable, cutback, translate, diversify, set aside, shipping, depletion, flat, public transit, public mover, aggravate, end, posting, mitigation, pull, exchange, clear, lighter, turn back, turn, damage, bubble, passage, deflate, full, develop, sink in, set in motion, colour in, color in, built in bed, clot, equalize, stabilise, set ashore, assist, position, rollback, progression, medium, mass medium, rationalize, spike, auto accessory, draw close, striated muscle, skeletal muscle, muscle, shore, drive away, chase away, weather forecasting, funnel, link, pass around, company, face, fatten out, fatten, refresh, going under, offer, age, lock, intensify, atmospheric condition, tame, drive out, cattle drive, insulate, steam clean, clean, activate, contain, convert, service, fiber optics, heat, shape, propel, collateral, deliver, ameliorate, still, status, junior status, pose, suppress, commit, weather condition, fortify, sharpen, moderate, stiffen, throw out, straighten out, send out, rout out, round out, root out, plump out, kick out, force out, flesh out, fill out, edit out, dry out, blot out, modification, facial expression, natural elevation, hauling, air force officer, air, serving, unwind, work, back channel, relief, strike, refine, proof, roll, floor, part, lackluster, liberalise, bowing, pare, forward motion, wind, turbidity, substitute, temper, quick temper, amend, normalize, terminate, near, draw near, come near, equate, harmonise, overturn, gaseous state, force, blow, darkening, secondhand, travel, amortization, harmonize, address, cool, think, filter, complicate, governing, ascent, distribute, mainland, communicating, fill, front, form, alleviation, replace, riding, horseback riding, suspend, erect, potent, dehydration, subdued, place, imparting, prepare, deaden, condense, epithelial duct, duct, weather forecaster, weather, right, trucking, national, flying, legitimate, neutralize, inferior, release, subsiding, energize, rear, contract, foundering, sovereign, wave, dim, electronic communication, neck, shortness, wrap, pulse, intravenous drip, device, submerging, distressed, brighten, shed, divide, go, physical phenomenon, physical object, draw, poison, parachute jumper, retard, channels, rush, slacken, soil, sweeten, clarify, irritability, operate, capture, prove, lay, slip, spray, swing, send, live steam, conceal, glamorize, crabby person, rectify, empty, nursing aide, parallel, whistle, invert, chill, fitting, undo, touch, validate, confine, elevation, conduit, merge, fluctuate, standby, evaporative, material, advancement, herd, muted, superior, tip, patent, softness, hit, facial gesture, inseminate, mailing, transform, flight, run, warm, elevator, sublimate, mature, factory, sport, sway, timber, navigation, tender, beam, separate, ancillary, freshness, blind, nose, match, dissolve, onward motion, motion, inter-group communication, communication, redress, dominating, arrival, ski tow, desiccation, insertion, ship, disturb, tote bag, centralize, slew, dispel, veil, modifier, elaborate, canal, depreciate, project, play, mop, disable, hoist, inform, carting, decelerate, unsaturated, reestablish, anger, ducking, boil, dry, thicken, disorder, download, launch, post, invalidate, affix, reinstate, confuse, rationalise, backpacking, straighten, packing, flatten, string, felt, round, tenderize, race, nationalize, predominant, crowd, wake, lubricate, modulation, woman hater, coastal plain, synchronize, engage, supreme, general, nature, contact, color, personalize, pilotage, ready, express, pinnacle, customize, pour, upload, alternate, displacement, glorify, slake, circulate, commute, scramble, incapacitate, revolutionize, transplanting, transplant, sky dive, dissemination, fertilize, wet, gloom, paramount, land mass, conquering, connect, untie, quiet, downhill, politicize, shake, superiority, mobilize, drizzling, liquefy, industrialize, oxidize, corrupt, freshen, lens, computer accessory, stir, mark, loose, haulage, alienate, loneliness, sanctify, flourish, lacklustre, decentralize, lumber, unfit, dismiss, chord, baggage, overshadow, bestow, luggage, hide, skid, minimization, field, inactivate, modifiable, reposition, mix, fibre optics, surliness, dope, subvert, unhappy, tributary, de-emphasize, ascendent, splatter, unruliness, prostrate, parachuting, log, piloting, normalise, debase, slurry, unscramble, alteration, object, offload, blister, shelter, disgorge, institutionalize, ptosis, center, mesh, forest, neutralise, beat, convection, beautify, commercialize, fasten, embellish, subsidence, shade, ire, smut, airing, stuff, vaporization, splay, piggyback, decorate, peninsula, adorn, producer, officer, commanding officer, individualize, demonize, alloy, automate, forwarding, supporter, rock, adjuvant, industrialise, sauce, sober, station, isthmus, unify, vicarious, destabilize, petulance, downslope, buckle, blur, rake, lace, visualize, arouse, personalise, opaque, wedge, ash, democratize, lusterless, blunt, purge, energise, island, movable, relocate, mail, snort, upset, deform, channelization, communicate, stain, reentry, deactivate, crank, sovereignty, broadcast, internationalise, amortisation, circumscribe, mill, ventilate, wince, obeisance, professionalize, flap, belittle, propagate, brandish, colour, sanitize, cartage, drop-off, lifter, helper, reclaim, customise, desensitize, disqualify, accustom, contaminate, nationalise, cry, humanize, transmitter, flick, revolutionise, subtraction, patter, digitize, shallow, pail, ruffle, saturate, equalise, internationalize, procession, chin, pressurize, landslide, objectify, mount, impudence, glide, wash, agitate, sputter, grace, mover, bunk, crumple, declassification, unpleasant, spleen, demoralize, polarize, edit, immersion, submersion, interrogation, immortalize, transference, abbreviate, dislodge, permeate, disarray, abridge, easement, centre, pout, interchange, regenerate, moveable, waken, heave, dirty, ornament, cook, whoosh, transferrable, uproot, solemnize, matted, coagulate, socialize, blackening, smile, mobilise, steepen, externalize, shadow, crush, athletics, recombine, raining, purify, retrieve, quirkiness, preponderant, snicker, expel, vitalize, scan, magnetize, abate, timberland, sublime, faller, cape, void, vitiate, professionalise, plain, remodel, testiness, beachfront, romanticize, berth, mythologize, sentimentalize, airdrop, aerate, urbanize, fussiness, reconstruct, tense, sadness, sensitize, feudal lord, spool, amalgamate, unroll, pressurise, advection, fractiousness, transplantation, decentralise, palliation, nurse's aide, excite, centralise, ness, civilize, redact, jar, traveler, transship, awaken, misanthropy, abruptness, willfulness, camp, crust, carte blanche, declension, humble, ascendance, impertinence, womanize, wilfulness, westernise, vulgarize, vulgarise, volatilize, volatilizable, volatilise, volatilisable, vivify, vitrify, vitalise, virilize, virilise, vesiculate, verbify, vascularize, vascularise, variegate, vapourisable, vaporizable, vaporisation, urethrocele, ureterocele, urbanise, uranology, untune, unsubstantialize, unsubstantialise, unsex, unsanctify, uniformize, uniformise, unclutter, uglify, turbidness, truckage, transubstantiate, transitivize, transitivise, transfigure, transferrer, transferer, transcendency, transaminate, thirdhand, tetchiness, territorialize, territorialise, tenderise, telpherage, telferage, telephotography, symmetrize, symmetrise, suburbanize, suburbanise, subtilize, subservientness, submergible, subjugator, stooper, squinch, spiritualize, sombreness, solvate, solemnise, snappishness, slue, slenderize, slenderise, shrewishness, sexualize, sexualise, settlings, sentimentalise, sensify, sensibilize, sensibilise, seignior, schematize, schematise, saponify, saltate, rusticate, romanticise, resuspension, renormalize, renormalise, refreshen, rarify, rarefy, preponderating, poleaxe, poleax, plasticize, plasticise, pettishness, pervaporate, parachuter, paganize, paganise, oxygenize, oxygenise, oxidate, overcloud, outmode, ossify, orientalize, orientalise, opsonize, opalize, opalise, opacify, officialize, officialise, occidentalize, occidentalise, nutate, nephroptosis, nephroptosia, nazify, mythologise, mythicize, mythicise, muddiness, misogynism, misanthropist, militarise, metroptosis, meliorate, mechanise, matt-up, masculinize, masculinise, magnetise, luxate, lustreless, lugubriousness, lowness, low-spiritedness, locomote, liquidize, liquidise, lifehack, lateralize, laicize, laicise, isomerize, isomerise, ionate, iodinate, intromission, intransitivize, intransitivise, intercommunicate, inspissate, individualise, indistinctness, indispose, incandesce, impartation, immortalise, immaterialize, immaterialise, hydrogenate, huffishness, holdall, haulier, harshen, go-cart, glossoptosis, glamourize, glamourise, glamorise, gelatinize, gelatinise, gasolene, fuggy, frogmarch, fretfulness, forlornness, foreshorten, flocculate, fibreoptics, fiberoptics, feminise, fecundate, externalise, exteriorize, exteriorise, extenuation, evaporable, etiolate, etherialise, etherealize, eternize, eternise, eternalize, eternalise, eroticize, envenom, enteroptosis, embrown, embrittle, effeminize, effeminise, dynamize, dynamise, downward-sloping, downward-arching, downheartedness, domesticize, domesticise, disunite, dissonate, dissimilate, dispiritedness, disharmonize, disenable, disarrange, disaffect, digitalise, diabolize, diabolise, devitalization, devitalisation, devilize, devilise, detransitivize, detransitivise, destress, desensitise, descensus uteri, deracination, deracinate, deprave, depolarise, depersonalise, deodourise, deodorise, denaturalize, denaturalise, denationalize, denationalise, demythologize, demythologise, demulsify, demist, demagnetize, demagnetise, dejectedness, dehydrogenate, degressive, degauss, defog, decrepitate, deconcentrate, declivitous, decimalize, decimalise, decarboxylate, deaminize, deaminate, de-escalation, de-escalate, de-emphasise, dandle, cussedness, curtness, crotchetiness, crosspatch, crossness, crabbiness, crabbedness, counterchange, conventionalize, conventionalise, constitutionalize, constitutionalise, communize, communise, commove, commix, colourize, colourise, colorise, collimate, coarsen, classicize, classicise, civilise, circularize, choler, channelisation, canalize, canalise, brutalise, bolshevize, bolshevise, blear, bioclimatology, biliousness, bestialize, bestialise, benight, bemire, begrime, bedim, barbarize, barbarise, automatize, automatise, arterialize, arterialise, archaize, archaise, appertain, antiquate, animize, animise, animalize, animalise, angulate, allegorize, allegorise, alkalinize, alkalinise, alcoholize, alcoholise, alchemize, alchemise, aerological, achromatize, achromatise, acetylize, acetylise, acetylate, acerbate, acclivity, accessorial, remand, reflate, crab, dizzy, brutalize, churl, revolve, militarize, hustle, unite, stare, landslip, leaven, synchronise, digitise, portage, predominate, conquest, westernize, depersonalize, trimmings, possessive, drippy, denature, obfuscate, antique, percolate, radicalize, transcendence, subjugation, mechanize, dun, insolence, upstage, misogyny, submergence, gall, politicise, unseat, digitalize, impel, dislocate, changer, misdirect, hue, cheekiness, exasperate, oxidise, emulsify, lahar, contrariness, parachutist, servant, shaded, obliterate, gaseous, shoal, subjection, crankiness, canalization, liaison, misanthrope, minimisation, fertilise, transpose, handmaiden, diver, levitate, ascendancy, commercialise, mash, canalisation, queerness, twine, ripen, naturalize, transferable, mow, supple, destabilise, habituate, append, wonderland, subservience, disintegrate, pall, enslave, barb, transpire, jack, redo, perplex, blurriness, slop, uplink, logger, porterage, assimilate, landmass, supercharge, woodland, implode, mince, institutionalise, sender, liquify, rouse, multimedia, visualise, grime, somberness, supremacist, pushcart, consignment, polarise, feminize, transportable, plunger, mastership, democratise, weightlifter, pervert, commander, singsong, sling, seigneur, demoralise, deodorize, handcart, pratfall, champaign, mountaineer, hushed, accost, peevishness, domesticate, squint, morph, pertain, estrange, dysphoric, curtsey, woosh, fuzziness, oxbow, spiel, cower, grumpiness, transmute, bucketful, daze, gloominess, mingle, pathology, discolor, socialise, brusqueness, declivity, quirk, introvert, feller, spice, ascendant, pallbearer, misogynist, huddle, touchiness, sensitise, calcify, oddity, lordship, irascibility, carter, humanise, alien, vex, second-string, chasten, snigger, resettle, desolation, debauch, colorize, depolarize, sanitise, orneriness, profane, naturalise, commandant, submersible, alterable, handmaid, sulk, translocate, hauler, lumberjack, dregs, gasification, weaponize, animate, charioteer, demonise, cohere, ascendence, archipelago, dragoon, extirpate, traveller, gruffness, astronomy, ascendency, appurtenant, teleport, fixings, wipeout, foreland, emanate, declination, riffle, skydive, grouch, nick, overlordship, crotchet, grump, underlay, curmudgeon, dinge, louden, trice, manufactory, carryall, colly, lumberman, imperium, weatherman, price cutting, cutting tool, cutting off, cutting, cost cutting, lower limit, temperature reduction, wage increase, salary increase, cost increase, trimming, slowing, consumption, stimulate, low status, low level flight, pushing, putting to death, spending cut, growth, lifting device, tightening, ease, inflation, offset printing, rising prices, rising, tax cut, salary cut, price cut, pay cut, cut up, cut off, cut away, cut across, budget cut, minimum, curb, strengthening, curtail, wage hike, burden, soaring, keep down, keep apart, balance, surface lift, chair lift, smoking, restrict, regulate, tax avoidance, loosening, closing, measure, withholding, zero in, zero, shifting, weight down, weight, restrain, cooling system, cooling, drop press, drop off, drop hammer, drop forge, falling off, freezing, dependence, liquidity, expense, setting, greenhouse gas, greenhouse emission, target company, takeover target, rise up, proportion, pollution, speeding, softening, signaling device, pressure level, pressure, bolster, exceed, ballooning, cap, maximize, slow up, slow, steady, alleviate, water level, ground level, brightness level, emission, push up, push out, push back, push away, push aside, widening, pulling, dampen, factor, sulphur dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, modest, flow out, flow, turning, human activity, pay, restriction, high temperature, high status, high profile, high ground, relieve, expenditure, broadening, erode, slowdown, market place, warming, corporate investor, alcohol, yield, impose, justify, enhance, developing, double back, worsening, mechanism, switching, rock climbing, mountain climbing, climbing iron, climbing, undercut, deposit, sex change, policy change, chemical change, change surface, change state, change shape, change posture, change of state, change of shape, change of location, change of integrity, change of direction, change magnitude, change form, change by reversal, bureau de change, travel rapidly, attach to, attach, blood transfusion, blood sport, fall for, capacity, protect, bond, use up, sending, work up, wind up, warm up, waking up, using up, up, tying up, tune up, tense up, tee up, tart up, take up, step up, stand up, square up, split up, snarl up, smash up, slice up, shrivel up, shape up, ruffle up, roll up, rev up, ramp up, rack up, pull up stakes, prick up, prang up, perk up, muddy up, muck up, move up, mess up, loosen up, load up, lay up, knock up, ice up, heft up, heave up, furbish up, freshen up, fold up, edge up, eat up, dry up, drive up, dress up, cover up, cock up, clutter up, chop up, carve up, build up, brace up, blow up, bang up, back up, terms, printing concern, packaging concern, retirement, digit, key, introduce, ban, write down, whittle down, wear down, touch down, sit down, settle down, quiet down, plump down, plonk down, plank down, place down, pipe down, nail down, load down, hold down, dwindle down, bow down, beat down, bear down upon, bear down on, batten down, surcharge, holding device, holding company, finding, gain, harm, dilute, difference, focus, drying agent, habit, birth control device, birth, absorption, step on it, step, paring, impair, promote, continue, drug company, drug abuse, sliding board, improvement, activation, dwindling away, dwindling, dependent, exclude, deep freeze, replacing, time lag, lag, addition, vital, stop, fatty tissue, trigger, put to sleep, put right, put out, put in, put behind bars, put back, put away, put across, allow in, regard, work on, turn on, tell on, take on, send on, move on, march on, go on, get on, catch on, waste product, ozone, mounting, commitment, pace, traffic, lengthen, steep, tap, waning, provide, throw out of kilter, state of matter, source of illumination, pair of tongs, loss of consciousness, get hold of, field of force, canal of Schlemm, bird of passage, landing approach, heat energy, free energy, energy, rapid transit, mass rapid transit, activating, water gas, tear gas, sewer gas, producer gas, poison gas, perfect gas, noble gas, liquefied petroleum gas, inert gas, ideal gas, gas pedal, gas fixture, bottled gas, blowing gas, blow gas, air gas, stunting, exhaust fumes, exhaust, cutoff, stock company, clotting, adopt, limited company, entering, entail, liberalization, topographic point, point, boiling point, adjustable, ameliorating, invest, share, updating, ending, bearing, involve, height, delivery boy, break off, break into, break in, electricity, lead off, lead astray, lead, electric charge, dissolving agent, individual, fatigue, warning device, force per unit area, bronco busting, safety device, safety, water sport, water cooler, water cart, water boy, water, influence, oil company, breathing machine, breathing device, breathing apparatus, peak, diversification, range, remove, complication, reinforce, shaping machine, shaping, deliver the goods, the Tempter, take the air, sweep under the rug, paint the lily, gild the lily, do the dishes, clear the air, bring home the bacon, erecting, barrel, portion, bump, crowding, clog, fall apart, thickening, weapon system, hub-and-spoke system, alarm system, pass over, lay over, ice over, glaze over, glass over, frost over, come over, carry over, aid, remote control, control surface, bending, spread out, spread, augment, infection, move back, move around, depression, propelling, trouble, replenish, calcium, catching, golf stroke, wall, muscular contraction, muscle contraction, acid, teaser, voluntary muscle, make relaxed, make pure, make it, take off, take away, ramp, endanger, gymnastic exercise, exercise device, lure, dependency, illegitimacy, bring together, bring to, bring round, bring around, bring about, hold in, cargo hold, loading, cleaning, access, slack off, limitation, reset, slice through, run through, pull through, go through, get through, come through, carry forward, attract, write off, top off, snip off, slacken off, shoo off, set off, pull off, pick off, nip off, knock off, cool off, total, wear upon, act upon, common bile duct, common, give out, privatization, consolidate, leveling, stake, figure, rollover, process, chemical process, go bad, bad weather, nitrogen, narrow, transparency, compensation, reach, surpass, bill, service cutback, plant food, food turner, food elevator, food company, food colouring, food colour, food coloring, food color, postage stamp, postage, divert, record company, resolving power, social status, social station, social reformer, social rank, disruption, hedge, time, vehicle, throwing stick, stick in, stick, shooting stick, tension, surface tension, marking, trap, go with, come with, concentration, shipping company, become flat, public transport, turn to, stoop to, aggregate, fundamental interaction, pull round, pull in, pull back, pull away, treatment, rebate, discharge, clear sailing, clear out, support, packaging company, turn out, turn around, creation, sign, poke at, chip at, entry, steer, comfort, stamp out, stamp mill, stamp, good weather, good luck charm, peg, consume, contraceptive device, contraceptive, neutral, incur, noise, labor coach, throw in, send in, let in, editor in chief, edge in, draw in, come in, signal, midpoint, set apart, playground slide, cure, lose, intensity, hurt, core out, travel by, pass by, go by, enhancement, impairment, human action, chemical action, action, bind, hydrogen, scheme, hasten, lark about, get about, automobile factory, automobile driver, automobile, indicator, follow, auto factory, auto company, close out, close, trapezius muscle, tibialis muscle, teres muscle, temporalis muscle, temporal muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, splenius muscle, soleus muscle, scalene muscle, sartorius muscle, rhomboid muscle, pterygoid muscle, pectoral muscle, muscle into, intercostal muscle, gluteus muscle, gluteal muscle, gastrocnemius muscle, flexor muscle, facial muscle, extensor muscle, deltoid muscle, cowl muscle, axial muscle, articular muscle, anconeous muscle, adductor muscle, abductor muscle, abdominal muscle, wean, understate, whittle away, wear away, shoo away, eat away, dwindle away, drift away, die away, funnel shape, spurt, turnaround, wheel around, send around, run around, go around, get around, drive around, come around, transportation company, steel company, steamship company, printing company, pipeline company, pharmaceutical company, mining company, livery company, joint-stock company, furniture company, film company, electronics company, dot com company, car company, broadcasting company, relaxation, cover, replacement, forbidding, footing, wry face, straight face, upper berth, upper, clearing, dilution, filling, restraint, passenger, scale, number, atomic number 9, atomic number 7, atomic number 53, atomic number 20, atomic number 17, atomic number 1, slackening, track and field, defusing, discipline, standing, convenience, shave, sweetening, tire out, tire, broaden, separation, resume, consistent, armed services, easy going, violate, precondition, content, injection, power takeoff, power, motive power, endurance riding, upending, development, old age, churn, satisfaction, decimal fraction, flood, working out, positioning, atmospheric phenomenon, sharp, grow, melt, airline business, airline, sealing material, motor, insulating material, solvent, moisture, fill again, cripple, mood, dry clean, clean out, maximise, enlarge, stiffening, reversal, crunch, file transfer protocol, accelerator pedal, harmonization, fret, deplete, grip, saturation, supplementation, issue, phase out, service elevator, postal service, mail service, crop, urbanization, build, fiber, heat exchanger, substitution, lean, wedge shape, treat, acceleration, property, innovation, fail, pattern, impetus, insert, compression, deduct, bar sinister, bar, stretch, vary, float, termination, seek, umbilical cord, umbilical, placement, thawing, shrinkage, air transport, dangling, course, go past, nitric oxide, serratus muscles, marketing, ice chest, ice, thrust out, thrust, ideal, legal status, boiling, remedy, bottle, negate, contamination, rule, stabilization, air transportation, turnover, go across, come across, contagion, dramatic art, catch, deceleration, purity, erection, variation, condition, middle, throttle valve, throttle, steel plant, steel mill, steel factory, dry cleaner, cleaner, secrecy, wear and tear, ballast, printing business, business traveler, circulation, side, years, slice into, molecule, last, grade, get dressed, get along, freight elevator, freight, life history, rope tow, mutation, genetic mutation, chromosomal mutation, privatisation, merger, work out, wipe out, white out, wear out, wash out, turf out, thin out, swear out, stub out, smoke out, press out, pour out, play out, mellow out, mail out, lay out, knock out, iron out, hollow out, go out, flip out, fag out, crush out, crowd out, conk out, chuck out, cast out, bracket out, boot out, bleach out, blank out, black out, air out, damper, geological formation, formation, paper feed, feed, breakdown, throwing board, preparation, energizing, small beer, small, verbal expression, expression, bound, pedestrian, natural philosophy, neutralization reaction, neutralisation reaction, preventive, alarm, closure, liquid air, hot air, air traveller, air traveler, air travel, serving cart, ventilation, insulation, oxidation, travel along, rush along, pelt along, pass along, come along, cannonball along, bucket along, belt along, modernize, attrition, force back, flash back, draw back, beat back, back, block, rest, genetic, educate, strike a blow, burn, drawing, valve, normalization, lot, raw material, serve, transit line, steamship line, undoing, burst, readjust, whet, be adrift, final stage, tie, altitude, fold, exhaustion, formaldehyde, test, merchant vessels, pack together, pack riding, migration, go forward, forward,