tingly: Prefix, Suffix and Derived words
Prefixes of tingly
- interestingly«Word Popularity Bar5/5
- adverb in an interesting manner
- when he ceases to be just interestingly neurotic and...gets locked up"- Time
- adverb in an interesting manner
- unwittingly4/5
- adverb without knowledge or intention
unknowingly; inadvertently.
- he unwittingly deleted the references
- adverb without knowledge or intention
- fittingly2/5
- adverb in an appropriate manner
fitly; appropriately; befittingly; suitably.
- he was appropriately dressed
- adverb in an appropriate manner
- unhesitatingly2/5
- adverb without hesitation
- she said yes unhesitatingly
- adverb without hesitation
- fleetingly2/5
- adjective satellite lasting for a markedly brief time
momentaneous; fugitive; momentary.
- a fleeting glance
- fugitive hours
- rapid momentaneous association of things that meet and pass
- a momentary glimpse
- verb move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart
flit; dart; flutter; fleet.
- The hummingbird flitted among the branches
- adjective satellite lasting for a markedly brief time
- excruciatingly2/5
- adverb in a very painful manner
agonizingly; torturously.
- the progress was agonizingly slow
- adverb in a very painful manner
- haltingly2/5
- adverb in a halting manner
- he spoke haltingly
- adverb in a halting manner
- hesitatingly2/5
- adverb with hesitation; in a hesitant manner
- he finally accepted hesitantly
- adverb with hesitation; in a hesitant manner
- disappointingly2/5
- adverb in a disappointing manner
- the discoverer of argon, Sir William Ramsay, looked disappointingly ordinary
- adverb in a disappointing manner
- frustratingly2/5
- adjective satellite discouraging by hindering
- verb hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
thwart; bilk; cross; frustrate; baffle; foil; spoil; queer; scotch.
- What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
- foil your opponent
- adjective satellite discouraging by hindering
- devastatingly2/5
- adjective satellite making light of
withering; annihilating.
- afire with annihilating invective
- a devastating portrait of human folly
- to compliments inflated I've a withering reply"- W.S.Gilbert
- verb cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
desolate; devastate; scourge; lay waste to; ravage; waste.
- The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion
- adjective satellite making light of
- everlastingly2/5
- adverb for a limitless time
forever; evermore; eternally.
- no one can live forever
- brightly beams our Father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore"- P.P.Bliss
- adverb for a limitless time
- hauntingly2/5
- adjective satellite continually recurring to the mind
- haunting memories
- the cathedral organ and the distant voices have a haunting beauty"- Claudia Cassidy
- verb follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to
stalk; haunt.
- her ex-boyfriend stalked her
- the ghost of her mother haunted her
- adjective satellite continually recurring to the mind
- invitingly2/5
- adverb in a tantalizing manner
- she smiled at him tantalizingly
- adverb in a tantalizing manner
- wittingly2/5
- adverb with full knowledge and deliberation
- he wittingly deleted the references
- adverb with full knowledge and deliberation
- disconcertingly2/5
- adverb in a disturbing or embarrassing manner
- he drank some sherry, his eyes disconcertingly keen as he watched her
- adverb in a disturbing or embarrassing manner
- unremittingly2/5
- adjective satellite uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
ceaseless; constant; unceasing; perpetual; never-ending; incessant.
- the ceaseless thunder of surf
- in constant pain
- night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city
- the never-ending search for happiness
- the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy
- man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation
- unremitting demands of hunger
- adjective satellite uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
- disgustingly2/5
- adverb in a disgusting manner or to a disgusting degree
revoltingly; distastefully; sickeningly.
- the beggar was disgustingly filthy
- adverb in a disgusting manner or to a disgusting degree
- comfortingly2/5
- adverb in a comforting or consoling manner
- one part of a strange world should be given a comfortingly familiar form
- adverb in a comforting or consoling manner
- unrelentingly2/5
- adverb in a relentless manner
- he worked relentlessly
- adverb in a relentless manner
- irritatingly2/5
- adverb in an irritating manner
- adverb in an irritating manner
- temptingly2/5
- adverb in a tempting seductive manner
- she smiled at him seductively
- adverb in a tempting seductive manner
- trustingly2/5
- adverb with trust; in a trusting manner
trustfully; confidingly.
- she looked at her father trustingly
- adverb with trust; in a trusting manner
- deprecatingly2/5
- adjective satellite tending to diminish or disparage
deprecatory; belittling; depreciatory; deprecative; depreciative; slighting.
- belittling comments
- managed a deprecating smile at the compliment
- deprecatory remarks about the book
- a slighting remark
- verb express strong disapproval of; deplore
- adjective satellite tending to diminish or disparage
- fascinatingly2/5
- adverb in a fascinating manner
- her face became fascinatingly distorted
- adverb in a fascinating manner
- exultingly2/5
- adverb in an exultant manner
- it was exultingly easy
- adverb in an exultant manner
- lastingly2/5
- adverb in an enduring or permanent manner
- adverb in an enduring or permanent manner
- insultingly2/5
- adverb in a disrespectful and insulting manner
- he behaves insultingly toward his parents
- adverb in an unfair and insulting manner
- this internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim fundamentalists
- adverb in a disrespectful and insulting manner
- excitingly1/5
- adverb in an exciting manner
- at the time of its appearance, the movie must have seemed excitingly new, even revolutionary
- adverb in an exciting manner
- tauntingly1/5
- adverb in a playfully teasing manner
- `You hate things to be out of order, don't you?' she said teasingly
- adverb in a playfully teasing manner
- jestingly1/5
- adverb in jest
- I asked him jokingly whether he thought he could drive the Calcutta-Peshawar express
- adverb in jest
- slightingly1/5
- adverb in a disparaging manner
- these mythological figures are described disparagingly as belonging `only to a story'
- adverb in a disparaging manner
- infuriatingly1/5
- adjective satellite extremely annoying or displeasing
exasperating; maddening; vexing.
- his cavelier curtness of manner was exasperating
- I've had an exasperating day
- her infuriating indifference
- the ceaseless tumult of the jukebox was maddening
- verb make furious
infuriate; incense; exasperate.
- adjective satellite extremely annoying or displeasing
- bitingly1/5
- adverb extremely and sharply
piercingly; bitter; bitterly.
- it was bitterly cold
- bitter cold
- adverb extremely and sharply
- unstintingly1/5
- adverb in an unstinting manner
- adverb in an unstinting manner
- contrastingly1/5
- adverb in a contrasting manner
- contrastingly, both the rooms leading off it gave an immediate impression of being disgraced
- adverb in a contrasting manner
- unsuspectingly1/5
- adverb without suspicions
- he was sitting unsuspectingly beyond that wall only a few yards from the burglar
- adverb without suspicions
- dauntingly1/5
- adverb to a degree or in a manner that daunts
- dauntingly difficult
- adverb to a degree or in a manner that daunts
- enchantingly1/5
- adverb in a bewitching manner
enthrallingly; bewitchingly; captivatingly.
- she was bewitchingly beautiful
- adverb in a bewitching manner
- humiliatingly1/5
- adverb in a humiliating manner
- the painting was reproduced humiliatingly small
- adverb in a humiliating manner
- penetratingly1/5
- adverb with ability to see into deeply
- the author treats his subject penetratingly
- adverb with ability to see into deeply
- exasperatingly1/5
- adverb in an exasperating manner
- adverb in an exasperating manner
- ingratiatingly1/5
- adverb in a flattering and ingratiating manner
- she behaves ingratiatingly toward her boss
- adverb in a flattering and ingratiating manner
- doubtingly1/5
- adjective satellite marked by or given to doubt
skeptical; sceptical; questioning.
- a skeptical attitude
- a skeptical listener
- verb consider unlikely or have doubts about
- I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage
- adjective satellite marked by or given to doubt
- entreatingly1/5
- adverb in a beseeching manner
imploringly; beseechingly; importunately; pleadingly.
- `You must help me,' she said imploringly
- adverb in a beseeching manner
- suffocatingly1/5
- adjective satellite causing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat
suffocative; smothering.
- the choking June dust
- the smothering soft voices
- smothering heat
- the room was suffocating--hot and airless
- verb deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing
asphyxiate; suffocate; smother.
- Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow
- The child suffocated herself with a plastic bag that the parents had left on the floor
- adjective satellite causing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat
- unresistingly1/5
- adjective satellite offering no resistance
supine; resistless.
- resistless hostages
- No other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried"- Theodore Roosevelt
- adjective satellite offering no resistance
- cuttingly1/5
- adverb in an intentionally unkind way
- a cutting remark
- adverb in an intentionally unkind way
- arrestingly1/5
- adjective satellite commanding attention
sensational; stunning.
- an arresting drawing of people turning into animals
- a sensational concert--one never to be forgotten
- a stunning performance
- verb take into custody
nab; cop; pick up; apprehend; nail; arrest; collar.
- the police nabbed the suspected criminals
- adjective satellite commanding attention
- distractingly1/5
- verb draw someone's attention away from something
- The thief distracted the bystanders
- He deflected his competitors
- verb disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
perturb; disquiet; cark; trouble; disorder; unhinge.
- She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill
- verb draw someone's attention away from something
- calculatingly1/5
- adverb in a calculating manner
- he looked at her calculatingly
- adverb in a calculating manner
- nauseatingly1/5
- adjective satellite causing or able to cause nausea
queasy; vile; nauseous; offensive; loathsome; sickening; noisome.
- a nauseating smell
- nauseous offal
- a sickening stench
- verb upset and make nauseated
nauseate; sicken; turn one's stomach.
- The smell of the food turned the pregnant woman's stomach
- The mold on the food sickened the diners
- adjective satellite causing or able to cause nausea
- insinuatingly1/5
- adverb in an insinuating manner
- the art book has art to sell, insinuatingly, and for a purpose, like the American muse, which has in fact a tradition to sell, and one which doesn't exist, in painting
- adverb in an insinuating manner
- meltingly1/5
- noun the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid
thaw; melt; thawing.
- the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster
- the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours
- verb reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating
melt down; run; melt.
- melt butter
- melt down gold
- The wax melted in the sun
- noun the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid
- illuminatingly1/5
- adjective tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance
informative; enlightening.
- an enlightening glimpse of government in action
- an illuminating lecture
- verb make lighter or brighter
light; illuminate; illumine; light up; illume.
- This lamp lightens the room a bit
- adjective tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance
- placatingly1/5
- adverb in a placating manner
- Jenny smiled placatingly
- adverb in a placating manner
- protestingly1/5
- noun a formal and solemn declaration of objection
- they finished the game under protest to the league president
- the senator rose to register his protest
- the many protestations did not stay the execution
- noun the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent
objection; dissent.
- noun a formal and solemn declaration of objection
- revoltingly1/5
- adverb in a disgusting manner or to a disgusting degree
distastefully; disgustingly; sickeningly.
- the beggar was disgustingly filthy
- adverb in a disgusting manner or to a disgusting degree
- protectingly1/5
- adjective satellite shielding (or designed to shield) against harm or discomfort
- the protecting blanket of snow
- a protecting alibi
- verb shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage
- Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain
- adjective satellite shielding (or designed to shield) against harm or discomfort
- disquietingly1/5
- adverb in a disquieting manner
- the disquietingly close sounds of gunfire
- adverb in a disquieting manner
- intimidatingly1/5
- adjective satellite discouraging through fear
- verb make timid or fearful
- Her boss intimidates her
- adjective satellite discouraging through fear
- gloatingly1/5
- adverb in a gloating manner
- he spoke gloatingly about people he had cheated out of their money
- adverb in a gloating manner
- affectingly1/5
- adverb in a poignant or touching manner
touchingly; poignantly.
- she spoke poignantly
- adverb in a poignant or touching manner
- slantingly1/5
- adverb with a slant
- adverb with a slant
- intoxicatingly1/5
- adjective satellite causing
- verb fill with high spirits; fill with optimism
intoxicate; uplift; elate; pick up; lift up.
- Music can uplift your spirits
- adjective satellite causing
- exhaustingly1/5
- adjective satellite having a debilitating effect
- an exhausting job in the hot sun
- verb wear out completely
wash up; exhaust; tucker; beat; tucker out.
- This kind of work exhausts me
- I'm beat
- He was all washed up after the exam
- adjective satellite having a debilitating effect
- exactingly1/5
- adjective having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures
- fastidious microorganisms
- certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements
- verb claim as due or just
exact; demand.
- The bank demanded payment of the loan
- adjective having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures
- exhilaratingly1/5
- adjective satellite making lively and cheerful
- the exhilarating effect of mountain air
- verb fill with sublime emotion
thrill; tickle pink; inebriate; exalt; exhilarate; beatify.
- The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies
- He was inebriated by his phenomenal success
- adjective satellite making lively and cheerful
- discriminatingly1/5
- adjective showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste
- the discriminating eye of the connoisseur
- verb recognize or perceive the difference
know apart; discriminate.
- adjective showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste
- undeviatingly1/5
- adjective satellite going directly ahead from one point to another without veering or turning aside
- some people see evolution as an undeviating upward march from simple organisms to the very complex
- a straight and narrow tree-lined road unswerving across the lowlands
- adjective satellite used of values and principles; not subject to change; steady
- undeviating loyalty
- adjective satellite going directly ahead from one point to another without veering or turning aside
- alternatingly1/5
- adjective (of a current) reversing direction
- alternating current
- verb go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions
jump; alternate.
- adjective (of a current) reversing direction
- sportingly1/5
- adverb so as to be sporting; in a sporting manner
- adverb so as to be sporting; in a sporting manner
- pantingly1/5
- noun breathing heavily (as after exertion)
- noun any fabric used to make trousers
- noun breathing heavily (as after exertion)
- gratingly1/5
- adverb in a harsh and grating manner
raspingly; harshly.
- her voice fell gratingly on our ears
- adverb in a harsh and grating manner
- aggravatingly1/5
- adverb in an aggravating fashion
- his hair was caught aggravatingly in the branches of the tree
- adverb in an aggravating fashion
- accommodatingly1/5
- adverb in accommodation
- obligingly, he lowered his voice
- adverb in accommodation
- unreflectingly1/5
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- boastingly1/5
- noun speaking of yourself in superlatives
self-praise; boast; jactitation.
- verb show off
blow; boast; gasconade; gas; brag; tout; swash; bluster; shoot a line; vaunt.
- noun speaking of yourself in superlatives
- captivatingly1/5
- adverb in a bewitching manner
enthrallingly; enchantingly; bewitchingly.
- she was bewitchingly beautiful
- adverb in a bewitching manner
- befittingly1/5
- adverb in an appropriate manner
fitly; appropriately; fittingly; suitably.
- he was appropriately dressed
- adverb in an appropriate manner
- dotingly1/5
- adjective satellite extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent
fond; adoring.
- adoring grandparents
- deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain
- hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother
- verb be foolish or senile due to old age
- adjective satellite extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent
- vauntingly1/5
- adverb in a boastful manner
large; boastfully; big.
- he talked big all evening
- adverb in a boastful manner
- tormentingly1/5
- noun unbearable physical pain
- noun extreme mental distress
anguish; torture.
- noun unbearable physical pain
- undoubtingly1/5
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About Prefix and Suffix Words
This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `tingly`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.
While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `tingly`, some are not.
You can click on each word to see it's meaning.
About Prefix and Suffix Words
This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `tingly`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.
While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `tingly`, some are not.
You can click on each word to see it's meaning.