commonsensical: Prefix, Suffix and Derived words

Suffixes of commonsensical

  • commonsensically
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    • adjective satellite exhibiting native good judgment
      commonsensible; commonsense.
      • arrive home at a reasonable hour
      • commonsense scholarship on the foibles of a genius
      • unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated

About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `commonsensical`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `commonsensical`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it's meaning.