yerba : Idioms & Phrases

yerba buena

  • noun trailing perennial evergreen herb of northwestern United States with small white flowers; used medicinally
    Micromeria douglasii; Satureja douglasii; Micromeria chamissonis.

Yerba dol osa

  • . Sp., herb of the she-bear. A kind of buckthorn (Rhamnus Californica).
Webster 1913

Yerba mansa

  • noun stoloniferous herb of southwestern United States and Mexico having a pungent rootstock and small spicate flowers with white bracts suggesting an anemone
    Anemopsis californica.
  • . Sp., a mild herb, soft herb. A plant (Anemopsis Californica) with a pungent, aromatic rootstock, used medicinally by the Mexicans and the Indians.
Webster 1913

Yerba reuma

  • . Cf. Sp. reuma rheum, rheumatism. A low California undershrub (Frankenia grandifolia).
Webster 1913

yerba santa

  • noun viscid evergreen shrub of western United States with white to deep lilac flowers; the sticky aromatic leaves are used in treating bronchial and pulmonary illnesses
    Eriodictyon californicum.