verdict : Idioms & Phrases

compromise verdict

  • noun a verdict resulting from improper compromises between jurors on material issues

directed verdict

  • noun a verdict entered by the court in a jury trial without consideration by the jury
    • there cannot be a directed verdict of guilty in a criminal trial

false verdict

  • noun a manifestly unjust verdict; not true to the evidence

General verdict

  • noun an ordinary verdict declaring which party prevails without any special findings of fact
  • (Law), the ordinary comprehensive verdict in civil actions, "for the plaintiff" or "for the defendant". Burrill.
Webster 1913

partial verdict

  • noun (criminal law) a finding that the defendant is guilty of some charges but innocent of others

Party verdict

  • a joint verdict. Shak.
Webster 1913

Privy verdict

  • a verdict given privily to the judge out of court; now disused. Burrill.
Webster 1913

quotient verdict

  • noun an improper and unacceptable kind of compromise verdict

Special verdict

  • noun a verdict rendered on certain specific factual issues posed by the court without finding for one party or the other
  • (Law), a special finding of the facts of the case, leaving to the court the application of the law to them. Wharton (Law Dict.).
Webster 1913