uniform : Idioms & Phrases

dress uniform

  • noun a military uniform worn on formal occasions

full-dress uniform

  • noun the naval or military uniform that is specified by regulations to be worn on ceremonial occasions

In full uniform

  • (Mil.), wearing the whole of the prescribed uniform, with ornaments, badges of rank, sash, side arms, etc.
Webster 1913

military uniform

  • noun prescribed identifying uniform for soldiers

olive-drab uniform

  • noun military uniform of the United States Army; made from cloth of a dull olive color
    olive drab.

Regulation sword, cap, uniform, etc.

  • (Mil.), a sword, cap, uniform, etc., of the kind or quality prescribed by the official regulations.
Webster 1913

Uniform matter

  • that which is all of the same kind and texture; homogenous matter.
Webster 1913

Uniform motion

  • the motion of a body when it passes over equal spaces in equal times; equable motion.
Webster 1913

uniform resource locator

  • noun the address of a web page on the world wide web
    URL; universal resource locator.

Uniform sword

  • an officer's sword of the regulation pattern prescribed for the army or navy.
Webster 1913