ultramarine : Idioms & Phrases

cobalt ultramarine

  • noun greenish-blue pigment consisting essentially of cobalt oxide and alumina
    cobalt blue.

french ultramarine

  • noun ultramarine pigment prepared artificially
    French blue; French ultramarine.

french ultramarine blue

  • noun ultramarine pigment prepared artificially
    French blue; French ultramarine.

Green ultramarine

  • a green pigment obtained as a first product in the manufacture of ultramarine, into which it is changed by subsequent treatment.
Webster 1913

Ultramarine ashashes

  • (Paint.), a pigment which is the residuum of lapis lazuli after the ultramarine has been extracted. It was used by the old masters as a middle or neutral tint for flesh, skies, and draperies, being of a purer and tenderer gray that produced by the mixture of more positive colors. Fairholt.
Webster 1913

ultramarine blue

  • noun blue pigment made of powdered lapis lazuli