theorem : Idioms & Phrases

bayes' theorem

  • noun (statistics) a theorem describing how the conditional probability of a set of possible causes for a given observed event can be computed from knowledge of the probability of each cause and the conditional probability of the outcome of each cause

Binomial theorem

  • noun a theorem giving the expansion of a binomial raised to a given power
  • (Alg.), the theorem which expresses the law of formation of any power of a binomial.
Webster 1913

Negative theorem

  • a theorem which expresses the impossibility of any assertion.
Webster 1913

Particular theorem

  • (Math.), a theorem which extends only to a particular quantity.
Webster 1913

Theorem of Pappus

  • . (Math.) See Centrobaric method, under Centrobaric.
Webster 1913

Universal theorem

  • (Math.), a theorem which extends to any quantity without restriction.
Webster 1913