tamarind : Idioms & Phrases

manila tamarind

  • noun common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed by sickle-shaped or circinate edible pods and yielding good timber and a yellow dye and mucilaginous gum
    camachile; manila tamarind; Pithecellobium dulce; huamachil.

spanish tamarind

  • noun shrubby tree of Madagascar occasionally cultivated for its edible apple-shaped fruit
    Vangueria madagascariensis.

Tamarind fish

  • a preparation of a variety of East Indian fish with the acid pulp of the tamarind fruit.
Webster 1913

tamarind tree

  • noun long-lived tropical evergreen tree with a spreading crown and feathery evergreen foliage and fragrant flowers yielding hard yellowish wood and long pods with edible chocolate-colored acidic pulp
    tamarindo; tamarind; Tamarindus indica.

Velvet tamarind

  • . (a) A West African leguminous tree (Codarium acutifolium). (b) One of the small black velvety pods, which are used for food in Sierra Leone.
Webster 1913

Wild tamarind

  • noun common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed by sickle-shaped or circinate edible pods and yielding good timber and a yellow dye and mucilaginous gum
    camachile; manila tamarind; Pithecellobium dulce; huamachil.
  • noun a tree of the West Indies and Florida and Mexico; resembles tamarind and has long flat pods
    Lysiloma latisiliqua; Lysiloma bahamensis.
  • (Bot.), a name given to certain trees somewhat resembling the tamarind, as the Lysiloma latisiliqua of Southern Florida, and the Pithecolobium filicifolium of the West Indies.
Webster 1913