sudden : Idioms & Phrases

all of a sudden

  • adverb without warning
    all at once.
    • all at once, he started shouting
  • adverb happening unexpectedly
    suddenly; all of a sudden.
    • suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her side

All of a sudden, On a sudden, Of a sudden

  • sooner than was expected; without the usual preparation; suddenly.
Webster 1913

of a sudden

  • adverb happening unexpectedly
    suddenly; all of a sudden.
    • suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her side

On a sudden

  • . See under Sudden.
Webster 1913

sudden death

  • noun (sports) overtime in which play is stopped as soon as one contestant scores; e.g. football and golf

sudden infant death syndrome

  • noun sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant during sleep
    cot death; SIDS; crib death; infant death.