steel : Idioms & Phrases

alloy steel

  • noun steel who characteristics are determined by the addition of other elements in addition to carbon

austenitic manganese steel

  • noun a steel with a relatively large component (10-14%) of manganese; highly resistant to wear and shock
    austenitic manganese steel.

austenitic steel

  • noun steel that has enough nickel and chromium or manganese to retain austenite at atmospheric temperatures

Bessemer steel

  • (Metal.) See in the Vocabulary.
Webster 1913

Blister steel

  • crude steel formed from wrought iron by cementation; so called because of its blistered surface. Called also blistered steel.
Webster 1913

carbon steel

  • noun steel whose characteristics are determined by the amount of carbon it contains

case-hardened steel

  • noun steel with a surface that is much harder than the interior metal

Cast steel

  • (Metal.), a fine variety of steel, originally made by smelting blister or cementation steel; hence, ordinarily, steel of any process of production when remelted and cast.
Webster 1913

chisel steel

  • noun steel used in making chisels

chrome-nickel steel

  • noun Elinvar is a trademark for a kind of steel used for watch springs because its elasticity is constant over a wide range of temperatures

chrome-tungsten steel

  • noun a steel alloy made with chromium and tungsten

chromium steel

  • noun steel containing chromium that makes it resistant to corrosion
    stainless; chromium steel.

Cromium steel

  • (Metal.), a hard, tenacious variety containing a little cromium, and somewhat resembling tungsten steel.
Webster 1913

crucible steel

  • noun steel made by the mixture of molten wrought iron, charcoal, and other substances in a crucible

Damascus steel

  • noun a hard resilient steel often decorated and used for sword blades
    Damascus steel.
  • . See Damask steel, under Damask, a.
Webster 1913

damask steel

  • noun a hard resilient steel often decorated and used for sword blades
    Damascus steel.

Damask steel, ∨ Damascus steel

  • steel of the kind originally made at Damascus, famous for its hardness, and its beautiful texture, ornamented with waving lines; especially, that which is inlaid with damaskeening; formerly much valued for sword blades, from its great flexibility and tenacity.
Webster 1913

Decarbonized steel

  • homogenous wrought iron made by a steel process, as that of Bessemer; ingot iron.
Webster 1913

drill steel

  • noun carbon steel used for rock drills and dowels
    drill rod.

eutectoid steel

  • noun a steel that contains 0.9% carbon (the eutectic point); a carbon steel with 0.9% carbon is pure pearlite

Finger steel

  • a steel instrument for whetting a currier's knife.
Webster 1913

German steel

  • (Metal.), a metal made from bog iron ore in a forge, with charcoal for fuel.
Webster 1913

Granulated steel

  • a variety of steel made by a particular process beginning with the granulation of pig iron.
Webster 1913

hard steel

  • noun steel with more than 0.3% carbon

high-speed steel

  • noun an alloy steel that remains hard at a red heat; used to make metal-cutting tools
    high-speed steel.

hot-work steel

  • noun an alloy steel that remains hard at a red heat; used to make metal-cutting tools
    high-speed steel.

hyper-eutectoid steel

  • noun a steel that contains more than 0.9% carbon

hypo-eutectoid steel

  • noun a steel that contains less that 0.9% carbon

Low steel

  • steel which contains only a small proportion of carbon, and can not be hardened greatly by sudden cooling.
Webster 1913

low-carbon steel

  • noun steel with less than 0.15% carbon
    mild steel; low-carbon steel.

manganese steel

  • noun a steel with a relatively large component (10-14%) of manganese; highly resistant to wear and shock
    austenitic manganese steel.

medium steel

  • noun steel with 0.15-0.3% carbon

Merchant bar, Merchant ironsteel

  • certain common sizes of wrought iron and steel bars.
Webster 1913

Mild, ∨ Low, steel

  • steel that has but little carbon in it and is not readily hardened.
Webster 1913

Mild steel

  • noun steel with less than 0.15% carbon
    mild steel; low-carbon steel.
  • (Metal.), a kind of steel having a lower proportion of carbon than ordinary steel, rendering it softer and more malleable.
Webster 1913

molybdenum steel

  • noun steel containing 10-15% molybdenum; properties are similar to tungsten steel

nickel steel

  • noun an alloy steel containing nickel

oil-hardened steel

  • noun steel that is quenched in oil

Open-hearth steel

  • steel made by an open-hearth process; also called Siemens-Martin steel.
Webster 1913

Puddled steel

  • steel made directly from cast iron by a modification of the puddling process.
  • (Metal.), a variety of steel produced from cast iron by the puddling process.
Webster 1913

quenched steel

  • noun steel that has been hardened by immersing it in water or oil to cool it

Run steel

  • malleable iron castings. See under Malleable.
Webster 1913

Shear steel

  • a steel suitable for shears, scythes, and other cutting instruments, prepared from fagots of blistered steel by repeated heating, rolling, and tilting, to increase its malleability and fineness of texture.
Webster 1913

Silver steel

  • an alloy of steel with a very small proportion of silver.
Webster 1913

soft-cast steel

  • noun steel with less than 0.15% carbon
    mild steel; low-carbon steel.

stainless steel

  • noun steel containing chromium that makes it resistant to corrosion
    stainless; chromium steel.

steel arch bridge

  • noun a steel bridge constructed in the form of an arch

steel band

  • noun a band that plays instruments made from the heads of oil drums (Caribbean Islands)

steel blue

  • noun a greyish blue color

steel company

  • noun a company that makes and sells steel

steel drum

  • noun a concave percussion instrument made from the metal top of an oil drum; has an array of flattened areas that produce different tones when struck (of Caribbean origin)

Steel duck

  • (Zoöl.), the goosander, or merganser. Prov. Eng.
Webster 1913

steel engraving

  • noun an impression taken from an engraved steel plate
  • noun engraving on a steel plate
  • noun the act of engraving on a steel plate

steel factory

  • noun a factory where steel is made
    steelworks; steel mill; steel factory.

steel gray

  • noun slightly purplish or bluish dark grey
    Davy's grey; iron blue; Davy's gray; steel gray.

steel grey

  • noun slightly purplish or bluish dark grey
    Davy's grey; iron blue; Davy's gray; steel gray.

steel guitar

  • noun guitar whose steel strings are twanged while being pressed with a movable steel bar for a glissando effect
    Hawaiian guitar.

steel industry

  • noun the industry that makes steel and steel products

Steel mill

  • noun a factory where steel is made
    steelworks; steel mill; steel factory.
  • . (a) (Firearms) See Wheel lock, under Wheel. (b) A mill which has steel grinding surfaces . (c) A mill where steel is manufactured.
Webster 1913

steel oneself against

  • verb prepare mentally or emotionally for something unpleasant
    prepare for; brace oneself for; steel oneself against.

steel onself for

  • verb prepare mentally or emotionally for something unpleasant
    prepare for; brace oneself for; steel oneself against.

steel plant

  • noun a factory where steel is made
    steelworks; steel mill; steel factory.

steel plate

  • noun a plate of steel

steel production

  • noun making steel from pig iron

Steel trap

  • noun an acute intelligence (an analogy based on the well-known sharpness of steel traps)
    • he's as sharp as a steel trap
    • a mind like a steel trap
  • noun a trap made of steel with a strong spring and sharp toothlike projections to hold the prey
  • a trap for catching wild animals. It consists of two iron jaws, which close by means of a powerful steel spring when the animal disturbs the catch, or tongue, by which they are kept open.
Webster 1913

Steel wine

  • wine, usually sherry, in which steel filings have been placed for a considerable time, used as a medicine.
Webster 1913

steel wool

  • noun a mass of woven steel fibers used as an abrasive
    wire wool.


  • adjective satellite covered with heavy steel
    armour-clad; armour-plated; armor-plated; armor-clad.
    • armor-plated vehicles

steel-wool pad

  • noun abrader consisting of a pad of steel wool used for polishing or smoothing

structural steel

  • noun a strong steel that is rolled into shapes that are used in construction

Tincture of steel

  • (Med.), an alcoholic solution of the chloride of iron.
Webster 1913

tool steel

  • noun alloy steel that is suitable for making tools; is hard and tough and can retain a cutting edge

Tungsten steel

  • noun a very hard heat-resistant steel containing tungsten
    tungsten steel.
  • (Metal.), a variety of steel containing a small amount of tungsten, and noted for its tenacity and hardness, as well as for its malleability and tempering qualities. It is also noted for its magnetic properties.
Webster 1913

vanadium steel

  • noun steel alloyed with vanadium for greater strength and high-temperature stability

wolfram steel

  • noun a very hard heat-resistant steel containing tungsten
    tungsten steel.