steal : Idioms & Phrases

baronne anne louise germaine necker de steal-holstein

  • noun French romantic writer (1766-1817)
    Stael; Madame de Stael.

Groom of the stole

  • the first lord of the bedchamber in the royal household. Eng. Brande & C.
Webster 1913

steal away

  • verb leave furtively and stealthily
    sneak away; sneak out; slip away; sneak off.
    • The lecture was boring and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the blackboard

stolen property

  • noun property that has been stolen

To steal a march

  • to march in a covert way; to gain an advantage unobserved; formerly followed by of, but now by on or upon, and sometimes by over; as, to steal a march upon one's political rivals.
Webster 1913