squid : Idioms & Phrases

Flying squid

  • (Zoöl.), an oceanic squid (Ommastrephes, ∨ Sthenoteuthis, Bartramii), abundant in the Gulf Stream, which is able to leap out of the water with such force that it often falls on the deck of a vessel.
Webster 1913

Flying squid, Giant squid

  • . (Zoöl.) See under Flying, and Giant.
Webster 1913

Giant squid

  • noun largest mollusk known about but never seen (to 60 feet long)
  • (Zoöl.), one of several species of very large squids, belonging to Architeuthis and allied genera. Some are over forty feet long.
Webster 1913

Hook squid

  • any squid which has the arms furnished with hooks, instead of suckers, as in the genera Enoploteuthis and Onychteuthis.
Webster 1913

Squid hound

  • (Zoöl.), the striped bass.
Webster 1913

stinky squid

  • noun a stinkhorn of genus Pseudocolus; the fruiting body first resembles a small puffball that soon splits open to form a stalk with tapering arms that arch and taper to a common point
    Pseudocolus fusiformis.