september : Idioms & Phrases

black september

  • noun a Palestinian international terrorist organization that split from the PLO in 1974; has conducted terrorist attacks in 20 countries
    ANO; Abu Nidal Organization; Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims; Fatah Revolutionary Council; Fatah-RC; Arab Revolutionary Brigades.
    • in the 1980s the Fatah-RC was considered the most dangerous and murderous Palestinian terror group

black september movement

  • noun a former Palestinian terrorist organization (now merged with Fatah Revolutionary Council) that assassinated the Prime Minister of Jordan and during the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich killed 11 Israeli athletes


  • noun the middle part of September

september 11

  • noun the day in 2001 when Arab suicide bombers hijacked United States airliners and used them as bombs
    9/11; Sept. 11; 9-11; Sep 11.

september 17

  • noun celebrated in the United States
    Citizenship Day.

september 29

  • noun honoring the archangel Michael; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland
    Michaelmas Day; Michaelmas.

september elm

  • noun autumn-flowering elm of southeastern United States
    red elm; Ulmus serotina.

september equinox

  • noun September 22
    fall equinox; autumnal equinox.