say : Idioms & Phrases

as we say

  • adverb in a manner of speaking
    so to speak.
    • the feeling is, as we say, quite dead

It is said, ∨ They say

  • it is commonly reported; it is rumored; people assert or maintain.
Webster 1913


  • adjective satellite impossible to subdue
    indomitable; unsubduable.

say farewell

  • verb say good-bye or bid farewell

say hey kid

  • noun United States baseball player (born in 1931)
    Willie Mays; Willie Howard Mays Jr.; Mays.


  • noun one chap's arbitrary assertion
  • noun an authoritative declaration
    dictum; pronouncement.
  • noun the power or right to give orders or make decisions
    potency; authority; authorisation; dominance; authorization.
    • he has the authority to issue warrants
    • deputies are given authorization to make arrests
    • a place of potency in the state

That is to say

  • adverb as follows
    to wit; videlicet; namely; viz..
  • that is; in other words; otherwise.
Webster 1913

To give a say at

  • to attempt.
Webster 1913

To hear say

  • to hear one say; to learn by common report; to receive by rumor. Colloq.
Webster 1913

To say amen to

  • to approve warmly; to concur in heartily or emphatically; to ratify; as, I say Amen to all.
Webster 1913

To say grace

  • to render thanks before or after a meal.
Webster 1913

you said it

  • adverb an expression of emphatic agreement
    and how; you bet.