reverse : Idioms & Phrases

double reverse

  • noun (American football) a running play in which a first reverse is followed by a second reverse

non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor

  • noun an antiviral drug used against HIV; binds directly to reverse transcriptase and prevents RNA conversion to DNA; often used in combination with other drugs

nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor

  • noun an antiviral drug used against HIV; is incorporated into the DNA of the virus and stops the building process; results in incomplete DNA that cannot create a new virus; often used in combination with other drugs

piked reverse hang

  • noun a reverse hang performed on the rings

Reverse arms

  • (Mil.), a position of a soldier in which the piece passes between the right elbow and the body at an angle of 45°, and is held as in the illustration.
Webster 1913

Reverse bearing

  • (Surv.), the bearing of a back station as observed from the station next in advance.
Webster 1913

Reverse curve

  • (Railways), a curve like the letter S, formed of two curves bending in opposite directions.
Webster 1913

reverse fault

  • noun a geological fault in which the upper side appears to have been pushed upward by compression
    overthrust fault; thrust fault.

Reverse fire

  • (Mil.), a fire in the rear.
Webster 1913

reverse gear

  • noun the gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed

reverse hang

  • noun a hang with the arms extended in back

reverse lightning

  • noun atmospheric discharges (lasting 10 msec) bursting from the tops of giant storm clouds in blue cones that widen as they flash upward
    blue jet; jet.

Reverse operation

  • (Math.), an operation the steps of which are taken in a contrary order to that in which the same or similar steps are taken in another operation considered as direct; an operation in which that is sought which in another operation is given, and that given which in the other is sought; as, finding the length of a pendulum from its time of vibration is the reverse operation to finding the time of vibration from the length.
Webster 1913

reverse osmosis

  • noun (chemistry) a method of producing pure water; a solvent passes through a semipermeable membrane in a direction opposite to that for natural osmosis when it is subjected to a hydrostatic pressure greater than the osmotic pressure

reverse polish notation

  • noun a parenthesis-free notation for forming mathematical expressions in which each operator follows its operands
    postfix notation; suffix notation.

reverse split

  • noun a decrease in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity
    split down; reverse split.

reverse stock split

  • noun a decrease in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity
    split down; reverse split.

reverse transcriptase

  • noun a polymerase that catalyzes the formation of DNA using RNA as a template; found especially in retroviruses

reverse transcriptase inhibitor

  • noun an antiviral drug that inhibits the action of reverse transcriptase in retroviruses such as HIV

reversing thermometer

  • noun a thermometer that registers the temperature in deep waters

To reverse an enginea machine

  • to cause it to perform its revolutions or action in the opposite direction.
Webster 1913