promise : Idioms & Phrases

Breach of promise

  • noun failure to keep a promise (of marriage)
  • violation of one's plighted word, esp. of a promise to marry.
Webster 1913

Land of promise

  • in Bible history, Canaan: by extension, a better country or condition of which one has expectation.
Webster 1913

Promised land

  • noun an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea; a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism
    Palestine; Canaan; Holy Land.
  • noun any place of complete bliss and delight and peace
    heaven; Eden; nirvana; Shangri-la; paradise.
  • noun the goal towards which Christians strive
  • . See Land of promise, under Land.
Webster 1913

To promise one's self

  • . (a) To resolve; to determine; to vow . (b) To be assured; to have strong confidence.
Webster 1913