presence : Idioms & Phrases

presence chamber

  • noun room in which a monarch or other great person receives guests, assemblies, etc.

Presence chamber, ∨ Presence room

  • the room in which a great personage receives company. Addison." Chambers of presence." Bacon.
Webster 1913

Presence of mind

  • noun self-control in a crisis; ability to say or do the right thing in an emergency
  • that state of the mind in which all its faculties are alert, prompt, and acting harmoniously in obedience to the will, enabling one to reach, as it were spontaneously or by intuition, just conclusions in sudden emergencies.
Webster 1913

Real presence

  • noun (Christianity) the Christian doctrine that the body of Christ is actually present in the Eucharist
  • (R. C. Ch.), the actual presence of the body and blood of Christ in the eucharist, or the conversion of the substance of the bread and wine into the real body and blood of Christ; transubstantiation. In other churches there is a belief in a form of real presence, not however in the sense of transubstantiation.
Webster 1913