orchid : Idioms & Phrases

alaska rein orchid

  • noun similar to coastal rein orchid but with smaller flowers; Alaska to Baja California and east to the Dakotas and Colorado
    Habenaria unalascensis.

bee orchid

  • noun European orchid whose flowers resemble bumble bees in shape and color
    Ophrys apifera.

blue orchid

  • noun famous orchid of northern India having large pale to deep lilac-blue flowers
    Vanda caerulea.

bog rein orchid

  • noun orchid with spikes of many fragrant white flowers on erect leafy stems; of wet or boggy ground through most of the West and northern North America
    Habenaria dilatata; bog candles.

butterfly orchid

  • noun any orchid of the genus Psychopsis: spectacular large tiger-striped orchids
  • noun any orchid of the genus Oncidium: characterized by slender branching sprays of small yellow and brown flowers; often grown as houseplants
    butterfly plant; oncidium; butterfly orchid.
  • noun Mexican epiphytic orchid having pale green or yellow-green flowers with white purple-veined lip
    Encyclia venosa; butterfly orchis; Epidendrum venosum.
  • noun orchid of Florida and the Bahamas having showy brightly colored flowers; sometimes placed in genus Epidendrum
    Epidendrum tampense; Encyclia tampensis.
  • noun Mediterranean orchid having usually purple flowers with a fan-shaped spotted or striped rose-red lip
    butterfly orchis; Orchis papilionaceae.

coastal rein orchid

  • noun stout orchid of central California to northern Washington having racemes of white fragrant bilaterally symmetrical flowers
    Habenaria greenei.

common spotted orchid

  • noun European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple
    Dactylorhiza fuchsii; Dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii.

dancing lady orchid

  • noun any orchid of the genus Oncidium: characterized by slender branching sprays of small yellow and brown flowers; often grown as houseplants
    butterfly plant; oncidium; butterfly orchid.

early purple orchid

  • noun Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike
    male orchis; Orchis mascula.

early spider orchid

  • noun spring-blooming spider orchid having a flower with yellow or green or pink sepals and a broad brown velvety lip
    Ophrys sphegodes.

fen orchid

  • noun small terrestrial orchid of eastern North America and Europe having two nearly basal leaves and dull yellow-green racemose flowers
    Liparis loeselii; fen orchis.

fly orchid

  • noun any of several dwarf creeping orchids with small bizarre insect-like hairy flowers on slender stalks
  • noun European orchid whose flowers resemble flies
    Ophrys muscifera; Ophrys insectifera.

foxtail orchid

  • noun any of various orchids of the genus Rhyncostylis having pink- to purple-marked white flowers in a dense cylindrical raceme

fragrant orchid

  • noun European orchid having dense spikes of fragrant pink or lilac or red flowers with conspicuous spurs
    Gymnadenia conopsea.

fringed orchid

  • noun any of several summer-flowering American orchids distinguished by a fringed or lacerated lip
    fringed orchis.

frog orchid

  • noun any of several green orchids of the genus Habenaria
  • noun orchid having hooded long-bracted green to yellow-green flowers suffused with purple
    Coeloglossum viride.

funnel-crest rosebud orchid

  • noun orchid of northeastern United States with magenta-pink flowers having funnel-shaped lip; sometimes placed in genus Pogonia
    Pogonia divaricata; spreading pogonia; Cleistes divaricata.

greater butterfly orchid

  • noun south European orchid with dark green flowers that are larger and less fragrant than Platanthera bifolia; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria
    Habenaria chlorantha; Platanthera chlorantha.

helmet orchid

  • noun any of numerous orchids of the genus Pterostylis having leaves in a basal rosette and green flowers often striped purple or brown or red with the dorsal sepal incurved to form a hood
  • noun any of several orchids of the genus Coryanthes having racemes of a few musky-scented waxy flowers with a helmet-shaped lip process

hooker's orchid

  • noun a long-spurred orchid with base leaves and petals converging under the upper sepal
    Habenaria hookeri.

jewel orchid

  • noun any of several delicate Asiatic orchids grown especially for their velvety leaves with metallic white or gold veining

jumping orchid

  • noun orchid having both male and female flowers in the same raceme; when a sensitive projection at the base of the column of the male flower is touched the pollen is suddenly ejected
    Catasetum macrocarpum.

lesser butterfly orchid

  • noun south European orchid having fragrant greenish-white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria
    Platanthera bifolia; Habenaria bifolia.

lizard orchid

  • noun an orchid of the genus Himantoglossum
    Himantoglossum hircinum.

marsh orchid

  • noun any of several orchids of the genus Dactylorhiza having fingerlike tuberous roots; Europe and Mediterranean region

moth orchid

  • noun any of various orchids of the genus Phalaenopsis having often drooping glossy broad obovate or oval leaves usually dark green flushed purple or mottled grey and silver
    moth plant.

orange-blossom orchid

  • noun diminutive Australian orchid with loose racemes of fragrant white flowers with purple and orange markings on the lip
    Sarcochilus falcatus.

orchid cactus

  • noun any cactus of the genus Epiphyllum having flattened jointed irregularly branching stems and showy tubular flowers

orchid family

  • noun enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowers
    Orchidaceae; family Orchidaceae.

orchid tree

  • noun small East Indian tree having orchid-like flowers and hard dark wood
    Bauhinia variegata; mountain ebony.

pansy orchid

  • noun any of various orchids of the genus Miltonia having solitary or loosely racemose showy broadly spreading flowers

phantom orchid

  • noun waxy white nearly leafless plant with stems in clusters and racemes of white flowers; northwestern United States to northern California and east to Idaho
    phantom orchid; Eburophyton austinae.

poor man's orchid

  • noun any plant of the genus Schizanthus having finely divided leaves and showy variegated flowers
    butterfly flower; schizanthus.

prairie orchid

  • noun orchid of boggy or wet lands of north central United States having racemes of very fragrant creamy or greenish white flowers
    Habenaria leucophaea; prairie white-fringed orchis.

prairie white-fringed orchid

  • noun of central North America; a threatened species
    Platanthera leucophea.

purple fringeless orchid

  • noun orchid of northeastern and alpine eastern North America closely related to the purple fringed orchids but having rosy-purple or violet flowers with denticulate leaf divisions
    Habenaria peramoena; purple fringeless orchis.

purple-fringed orchid

  • noun North American orchid with clusters of fragrant purple fringed flowers
    Habenaria psycodes; purple-fringed orchis.
  • noun North American orchid similar to Habenaria psycodes with larger paler flowers
    Habenaria fimbriata; purple-fringed orchis.

ragged orchid

  • noun fringed orchid of the eastern United States having a greenish flower with the lip deeply lacerated
    Habenaria lacera; ragged orchis; green fringed orchis; ragged orchid.

ragged-fringed orchid

  • noun fringed orchid of the eastern United States having a greenish flower with the lip deeply lacerated
    Habenaria lacera; ragged orchis; green fringed orchis; ragged orchid.

rattlesnake orchid

  • noun any of various orchids of the genus Pholidota having numerous white to brown flowers in spiraling racemes clothed in slightly inflated bracts and resembling a rattlesnake's tail

rein orchid

  • noun any of several American wildflowers with a kidney-shaped lip
    rein orchis.

rosebud orchid

  • noun orchid of central and northern South America having 1- to 3-blossomed racemes of large showy rose-colored flowers; sometimes placed in genus Pogonia
    Pogonia rosea; Cleistes rosea.

round-leaved rein orchid

  • noun orchid having a raceme of large greenish-white flowers on a single flower stalk growing between two elliptic or round basal leaves lying on the ground; from northern Oregon and Montana across Canada to the eastern United States
    Habenaria orbiculata.

satyr orchid

  • noun orchid with broad ovate leaves and long-bracted green very irregular flowers
    Coeloglossum bracteatum.

short-spurred fragrant orchid

  • noun similar to Gymnadenia conopsea but with smaller flowers on shorter stems and having much shorter spurs
    Gymnadenia odoratissima.

slipper orchid

  • noun any of several chiefly American wildflowers having an inflated pouchlike lip; difficult or impossible to cultivate in the garden
    lady-slipper; ladies' slipper; lady's slipper.

snow orchid

  • noun waxy white nearly leafless plant with stems in clusters and racemes of white flowers; northwestern United States to northern California and east to Idaho
    phantom orchid; Eburophyton austinae.

snowy orchid

  • noun slender fringed orchid of eastern North America having white flowers
    Habenaria nivea.

spider orchid

  • noun any of several European orchids of the genus Ophrys
  • noun Central American orchid having spiderlike flowers with prominent green warts
    Brassia verrucosa.
  • noun South American orchid with spiderlike pale-yellow to pale-green flowers
    Brassia lawrenceana.

stream orchid

  • noun orchid growing along streams or ponds of western North America having leafy stems and 1 greenish-brown and pinkish flower in the axil of each upper leaf
    chatterbox; giant helleborine; Epipactis gigantea.

swan orchid

  • noun any of several orchids of the genus Cycnoches having slender arching columns of flowers suggesting the neck of a swan
    swanflower; swan-neck; swanneck; swan-flower.

tangle orchid

  • noun an orchid of the genus Plectorrhiza having tangled roots and long wiry stems bearing lax racemes of small fragrant green flowers

tulip orchid

  • noun Mexican epiphytic orchid with glaucous grey-green leaves and lemon- to golden-yellow flowers appearing only partially opened; sometimes placed in genus Cattleya
    Encyclia citrina; Cattleya citrina.

vanilla orchid

  • noun a climbing orchid bearing a podlike fruit yielding vanilla beans; widely cultivated from Florida southward throughout tropical America
    Vanilla planifolia.

water orchid

  • noun a tropical floating aquatic plant having spikes of large blue flowers; troublesome in clogging waterways especially in southern United States
    Eichhornia spesiosa; water hyacinth; Eichhornia crassipes.

white fringed orchid

  • noun bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers
    white fringed orchis; Habenaria albiflora.

zebra orchid

  • noun orchid with reddish linear leaves and panicle of purple-marked pale-yellow flowers with deep red or purple lip; southwestern Australia
    Caladenia cairnsiana.