nephelium : Idioms & Phrases

genus nephelium

  • noun a genus of dicotyledonous trees of the family Sapindaceae that are native to Asia and Australia

nephelium lappaceum

  • noun Malayan tree bearing spiny red fruit
    rambotan; rambutan; rambutan tree.

nephelium litchi

  • noun Chinese tree cultivated especially in Philippines and India for its edible fruit; sometimes placed in genus Nephelium
    lichee; litchi tree; litchi; Litchi chinensis.

nephelium longana

  • noun tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts; sometimes placed in genera Euphorbia or Nephelium
    Euphorbia litchi; longan; lungen; longanberry; Dimocarpus longan.

nephelium mutabile

  • noun East Indian fruit tree bearing fruit similar to but sweeter than that of the rambutan
    pulasan; pulassan; pulasan tree.