mosquito : Idioms & Phrases

asian tiger mosquito

  • noun striped native of Japan thriving in southwestern and midwestern United States and spreading to the Caribbean; potential carrier of serious diseases
    Aedes albopictus.

common mosquito

  • noun common house mosquito
    Culex pipiens.

malaria mosquito

  • noun transmits the malaria parasite
    malaria mosquito.

malarial mosquito

  • noun transmits the malaria parasite
    malaria mosquito.

Mosquito bar, Mosquito net

  • a net or curtain for excluding mosquitoes, used for beds and windows.
Webster 1913

mosquito bite

  • noun a sting inflicted by a mosquito

mosquito boat

  • noun a small fast unarmored and lightly armed torpedo boat; P(atrol) T(orpedo) boat
    PT boat; motor torpedo boat; mosquito boat.

mosquito craft

  • noun a small fast unarmored and lightly armed torpedo boat; P(atrol) T(orpedo) boat
    PT boat; motor torpedo boat; mosquito boat.

mosquito fern

  • noun small free-floating aquatic fern from the eastern United States to tropical America; naturalized in western and southern Europe
    Carolina pond fern; Azolla caroliniana; floating fern.

Mosquito fleet

  • a fleet of small vessels.
Webster 1913

Mosquito hawk

  • noun slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest; adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
    dragonfly; snake doctor; sewing needle; skeeter hawk; devil's darning needle; snake feeder; darning needle.
  • noun mainly nocturnal North American goatsucker
    nighthawk; bullbat.
  • (Zoöl.), a dragon fly; so called because it captures and feeds upon mosquitoes.
Webster 1913

mosquito net

  • noun a fine net or screen (especially around beds) to protect against mosquitos

Mosquito netting

  • a loosely-woven gauzelike fabric for making mosquito bars.
Webster 1913

yellow-fever mosquito

  • noun mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue
    Aedes aegypti.