montia : Idioms & Phrases

broad-leaved montia

  • noun succulent plant with mostly basal leaves; stem bears 1 pair of broadly ovate or heart-shaped leaves and a loose raceme of 3-10 white flowers; western North America
    broad-leaved montia.

genus montia

  • noun small genus of densely tufted annual herbs; north temperate regions and South America and tropical Africa and Asia

montia chamissoi

  • noun a floating or creeping Indian lettuce having terminal racemes of pale rose flowers; wet areas at high elevations of western North America
    toad lily.

montia cordifolia

  • noun succulent plant with mostly basal leaves; stem bears 1 pair of broadly ovate or heart-shaped leaves and a loose raceme of 3-10 white flowers; western North America
    broad-leaved montia.

montia lamprosperma

  • noun small Indian lettuce of northern regions
    water chickweed; blinking chickweed; blinks.

montia perfoliata

  • noun succulent herb sometimes grown as a salad or pot herb; grows on dunes and waste ground of Pacific coast of North America
    winter purslane; Cuban spinach; miner's lettuce.