mathematics : Idioms & Phrases

AbstractPure mathematics

  • . See Mathematics.
Webster 1913

Applied mathematics

  • noun the branches of mathematics that are involved in the study of the physical or biological or sociological world
    applied math.
  • . See under Mathematics.
Webster 1913

department of mathematics

  • noun the academic department responsible for teaching and research in mathematics
    department of mathematics.

mathematics department

  • noun the academic department responsible for teaching and research in mathematics
    department of mathematics.

mathematics teacher

  • noun someone who teaches mathematics
    math teacher.


Phys`i*co-math`e*mat"ics noun
Physico- + mathematics.
  1. Mixed mathematics.
Webster 1913

Pure mathematics

  • noun the branches of mathematics that study and develop the principles of mathematics for their own sake rather than for their immediate usefulness
  • that portion of mathematics which treats of the principles of the science, or contradistinction to applied mathematics, which treats of the application of the principles to the investigation of other branches of knowledge, or to the practical wants of life. See Mathematics. Davies & Peck (Math. Dict. )
Webster 1913