mast : Idioms & Phrases

Afore the mast

  • among the common sailors; a phrase used to distinguish the ship's crew from the officers.
Webster 1913

Afore the mast, Before the mast

  • . See under Afore, and Before.
Webster 1913

Beech mast

  • the nuts of the beech, esp. as they lie under the trees, in autumn.
Webster 1913

Before the mast

  • (Naut.), as a common sailor, because the sailors live in the forecastle, forward of the foremast.
Webster 1913

Buck mast

  • the mast or fruit of the beech tree.
Webster 1913

Cheeks of a mast

  • the projection on each side of a mast, upon which the trestletrees rest.
Webster 1913


  • noun a position some distance below the top of a mast to which a flag is lowered in mourning or to signal distress
Half"-mast` noun
  1. A point some distance below the top of a mast or staff; as, a flag a half-mast (a token of mourning, etc.).
Webster 1913

Jigger mast

  • . (Naut.) (a) The after mast of a four-masted vessel . (b) The small mast set at the stern of a yawlrigged boat.
Webster 1913

Jury mast

  • noun a temporary mast to replace one that has broken off
  • a temporary mast, in place of one that has been carried away, or broken.
Webster 1913

mast cell

  • noun a large connective tissue cell that contains histamine and heparin and serotonin which are released in allergic reactions or in response to injury or inflammation
    labrocyte; mastocyte.

Mast coat

  • . See under Coat.
Webster 1913

Mast hoop

  • one of a number of hoops attached to the fore edge of a boom sail, which slip on the mast as the sail is raised or lowered; also, one of the iron hoops used in making a made mast. See Made.
Webster 1913

mooring mast

  • noun a tower for mooring airships
    mooring tower.

Pole mast

  • (Naut.), a mast formed from a single piece or from a single tree.
Webster 1913

Royal mast

  • noun topmast immediately above the topgallant mast
  • (Naut.), the mast next above the topgallant mast and usually the highest on a square-rigged vessel. The royal yard and royal sail are attached to the royal mast.
Webster 1913

Spencer mast

  • a small mast just abaft the foremast or mainmast, for hoisting the spencer. R. H. Dana, Jr.
Webster 1913

To hang the flag half-mast high ∨ half-staff

  • to raise it only half way to the mast or staff, as a token or sign of mourning.
Webster 1913

To spring a mast ∨ spar

  • (Naut.), to strain it so that it is unserviceable.
Webster 1913

To stay a mast

  • (Naut.), to incline it forward or aft, or to one side, by the stays and backstays.
Webster 1913

topgallant mast

  • noun a mast fixed to the head of a topmast on a square-rigged vessel

Trim of the masts

  • (Naut.), their position in regard to the ship and to each other, as near or distant, far forward or much aft, erect or raking.
Webster 1913