limestone : Idioms & Phrases

Bituminous limestone

  • a mineral of a brown or black color, emitting an unpleasant smell when rubbed. That of Dalmatia is so charged with bitumen that it may be cut like soap.
Webster 1913

cliff limestone

Cliff" lime"stone`
  1. (Geol.) A series of limestone strata found in Ohio and farther west, presenting bluffs along the rivers and valleys, formerly supposed to be of one formation, but now known to be partly Silurian and partly Devonian.
Webster 1913

Delthyris limestone

  • (Geol.), one of the divisions of the Upper Silurian rocks in New York.
Webster 1913

Granular limestone

  • crystalline limestone, or marble, having a granular structure.
Webster 1913

Hydraulic limestone

  • a limestone which contains some clay, and which yields a quicklime that will set, or form a firm, strong mass, under water.
Webster 1913

Indusial limestone

  • (Geol.), a fresh-water limestone, largely composed of the agglomerated cases of caddice worms, or larvæ of caddice flies (Phryganea). It is found in Miocene strata of Auvergne, France, and some other localities.
Webster 1913

limestone fern

  • noun yellow-green fern of rocky areas of northern hemisphere
    Gymnocarpium robertianum; northern oak fern.

limestone salamander

  • noun similar to Shasta salamander; lives in cliff crevices and taluses
    Hydromantes brunus.

Lithographic limestone

  • (Min.), a compact, fine-grained limestone, obtained largely from the Lias and Oölite, esp. of Bavaria, and extensively used in lithography.
Webster 1913

Magnesian limestone

  • . (Min.) See Dolomite.
Webster 1913

Miliolite limestone

  • (Geol.), a building stone, one of the group of the Paris basin, almost entirely made up of many-chambered microscopic shells.
Webster 1913

Mountain limestone

  • (Geol.), a series of marine limestone strata below the coal measures, and above the old red standstone of Great Britain. See Chart of Geology.
Webster 1913

Pentamerus limestone

  • (Geol.), a Silurian limestone composed largely of the shells of Pentamerus.
Webster 1913

Sparry limestone

  • (Min.), a coarsely crystalline marble.
Webster 1913