just : Idioms & Phrases

just about

  • adverb (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct
    about; around; some; roughly; approximately; or so; more or less; close to.
    • lasted approximately an hour
    • in just about a minute
    • he's about 30 years old
    • I've had about all I can stand
    • we meet about once a month
    • some forty people came
    • weighs around a hundred pounds
    • roughly $3,000
    • holds 3 gallons, more or less
    • 20 or so people were at the party

just as

  • adverb at the same time as
    even as.
    • even as he lay dying they argued over his estate
    • the building collapsed just as he arrived

just deserts

  • noun an outcome in which virtue triumphs over vice (often ironically)
    poetic justice.

just in case

  • adverb if there happens to be need
    in case.
    • in case of trouble call 911
    • I have money, just in case

just in time

  • adverb at the last possible moment
    in the nick of time.
    • she was saved in the nick of time

Just intonation

  • . (Mus.) (a) The correct sounding of notes or intervals; true pitch . (b) The giving all chords and intervals in their purity or their exact mathematical ratio, or without temperament; a process in which the number of notes and intervals required in the various keys is much greater than the twelve to the octave used in systems of temperament.
Webster 1913

Just now

  • adverb only a moment ago
    • he has just arrived
    • the sun just now came out
  • the least possible time since; a moment ago.
Webster 1913

just right

  • adverb in every detail
    to a T; to perfection; to the letter.
    • the new house suited them to a T

just so

  • adverb in a careful manner
    • you must treat this plant just so

just the ticket

  • noun the appropriate or desirable thing
    • this car could be just the ticket for a small family

just then

  • adverb at a particular time in the past
    • just then the bugle sounded

just-noticeable difference

  • noun (psychophysics) the difference between two stimuli that (under properly controlled experimental conditions) is detected as often as it is undetected