hemlock : Idioms & Phrases

black hemlock

  • noun large evergreen of western United States; wood much harder than Canadian hemlock
    Tsuga mertensiana; black hemlock.

canadian hemlock

  • noun common forest tree of the eastern United States and Canada; used especially for pulpwood
    spruce pine; Tsuga canadensis; Canadian hemlock.

carolina hemlock

  • noun medium-sized evergreen of southeastern United States having spreading branches and widely diverging cone scales
    Tsuga caroliniana.

douglas hemlock

  • noun lofty douglas fir of northwestern North America having short needles and egg-shaped cones
    douglas pine; Oregon fir; green douglas fir; Pseudotsuga menziesii; Oregon pine; douglas spruce.

eastern hemlock

  • noun common forest tree of the eastern United States and Canada; used especially for pulpwood
    spruce pine; Tsuga canadensis; Canadian hemlock.

Ground hemlock

  • (Bot.), the yew (Taxus baccata var. Canadensisi) of eastern North America, distinguished from that of Europe by its low, straggling stems.
Webster 1913

Ground hemlock, ∨ Dwarf hemlock

  • . See under Ground.
Webster 1913

hemlock tree

  • noun an evergreen tree

hemlock water dropwort

  • noun European poisonous herb having tuberous roots, yellow juice that stains the skin, yellow flowers and foliage resembling celery; all parts extremely poisonous
    water dropwort; Oenanthe crocata.

lesser hemlock

  • noun European weed naturalized in America that resembles parsley but causes nausea and poisoning when eaten
    fool's parsley; Aethusa cynapium.

mountain hemlock

  • noun large evergreen of western United States; wood much harder than Canadian hemlock
    Tsuga mertensiana; black hemlock.

pacific hemlock

  • noun tall evergreen of western North America; commercially important timber tree
    Pacific hemlock; Tsuga heterophylla; west coast hemlock.

Poison hemlock

  • noun large branching biennial herb native to Eurasia and Africa and adventive in North America having large fernlike leaves and white flowers; usually found in damp habitats; all parts extremely poisonous
    poison parsley; hemlock; Nebraska fern; Conium maculatum; California fern; winter fern.
  • (Bot.), a poisonous umbelliferous plant (Conium maculatum). See Hemlock.
Webster 1913

spotted hemlock

  • noun tall biennial water hemlock of northeastern North America having purple-spotted stems and clusters of extremely poisonous tuberous roots resembling small sweet potatoes
    spotted hemlock; spotted cowbane.

spotted water hemlock

  • noun tall biennial water hemlock of northeastern North America having purple-spotted stems and clusters of extremely poisonous tuberous roots resembling small sweet potatoes
    spotted hemlock; spotted cowbane.

water hemlock

  • noun tall erect highly poisonous Eurasiatic perennial herb locally abundant in marshy areas
    Cicuta verosa.
Wa"ter hem"lock
  1. (Bot) (a) A poisonous umbelliferous plant (Cicuta virosa) of Europe; also, any one of several plants of that genus. (b) A poisonous plant (Oenanthe crocata) resembling the above.
Webster 1913

west coast hemlock

  • noun tall evergreen of western North America; commercially important timber tree
    Pacific hemlock; Tsuga heterophylla; west coast hemlock.

western hemlock

  • noun tall evergreen of western North America; commercially important timber tree
    Pacific hemlock; Tsuga heterophylla; west coast hemlock.