hemisphere : Idioms & Phrases

cerebellar hemisphere

  • noun either of two lateral lobes of the cerebellum

cerebral hemisphere

  • noun either half of the cerebrum
    hemisphere; cerebral hemisphere.

Cerebral hemispheres

  • noun either half of the cerebrum
    hemisphere; cerebral hemisphere.
  • . (Anat.) See Brain.
Webster 1913

eastern hemisphere

  • noun the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia

left hemisphere

  • noun the cerebral hemisphere to the left of the corpus callosum that controls the right half of the body
    left brain.

Magdeburg centuries, Magdeburg hemispheres

  • . See under Century, and Hemisphere.
Webster 1913

Magdeburg hemispheres

  • (Physics), two hemispherical cups forming, when placed together, a cavity from which the air can be withdrawn by an air pump; used to illustrate the pressure of the air. So called because invented by Otto von Guericke at Magdeburg.
Webster 1913

northern hemisphere

  • noun the hemisphere that is to the north of the equator

right hemisphere

  • noun the cerebral hemisphere to the right of the corpus callosum that controls the left half of the body
    right brain.

southern hemisphere

  • noun the hemisphere to the south of the equator

western hemisphere

  • noun the hemisphere that includes North America and South America
    occident; New World.