geography : Idioms & Phrases

Astronomical, or Mathematical

  • geography treats of the earth as a planet, of its shape, its size, its lines of latitude and longitude, its zones, and the phenomena due to to the earth's diurnal and annual motions.
Webster 1913

dialect geography

  • noun the study of the geographical distribution of linguistic features
    dialect geography.

economic geography

  • noun the branch of geography concerned with the production and distribution of commodities

linguistic geography

  • noun the study of the geographical distribution of linguistic features
    dialect geography.

Physical geography

  • noun the study of physical features of the earth's surface
  • treats of the conformation of the earth's surface, of the distribution of land and water, of minerals, plants, animals, etc., and applies the principles of physics to the explanation of the diversities of climate, productions, etc.
Webster 1913

Political geography

  • treats of the different countries into which earth is divided with regard to political and social and institutions and conditions.
Webster 1913