generator : Idioms & Phrases

electrostatic generator

  • noun electrical device that produces a high voltage by building up a charge of static electricity
    electrostatic machine; Wimshurst machine; electrostatic generator.

Gas generator

  • an apparatus in which gas is evolved ; as: (a) a retort in which volatile hydrocarbons are evolved by heat ; (b) a machine in which air is saturated with the vapor of liquid hydrocarbon; a carburetor ; (c) a machine for the production of carbonic acid gas, for aërating water, bread, etc. Knight.
Webster 1913

pulse generator

  • noun a generator of single or multiple voltage pulses; usually adjustable for pulse rate

random number generator

  • noun a routine designed to yield a random number

van de graaff generator

  • noun electrical device that produces a high voltage by building up a charge of static electricity
    electrostatic machine; Wimshurst machine; electrostatic generator.

wind generator

  • noun generator that extracts usable energy from winds
    windmill; aerogenerator.