firearm : Idioms & Phrases

automatic firearm

  • noun a firearm that reloads itself and keeps firing until the trigger is released
    automatic weapon; automatic gun.

bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms

  • noun the law enforcement and tax collection agency of the Treasury Department that enforces federal laws concerning alcohol and tobacco products and firearms and explosives and arson

Repeating firearm

  • noun a firearm that can fire several rounds without reloading
  • a firearm that may be discharged many times in quick succession; especially: (a) A form of firearm so constructed that by the action of the mechanism the charges are successively introduced from a chamber containing them into the breech of the barrel, and fired. (b) A form in which the charges are held in, and discharged from, a revolving chamber at the breech of the barrel. See Revolver, and Magazine gun, under Magazine. also called automatic weapon
Webster 1913

Revolving firearm

  • . See Revolver.
Webster 1913

semiautomatic firearm

  • noun an autoloader that fires only one shot at each pull of the trigger