femoris : Idioms & Phrases

arteria circumflexa femoris

  • noun an artery that supplies the hip joint and thigh muscles
    circumflex artery of the thigh.

musculus biceps femoris

  • noun the biceps muscle of the thigh; it flexes the knee and rotates the leg laterally
    femoral biceps.

musculus quadriceps femoris

  • noun a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg
    quad; musculus quadriceps femoris; quadriceps.

quadriceps femoris

  • noun a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg
    quad; musculus quadriceps femoris; quadriceps.

vena circumflexus femoris

  • noun either of two veins that accompany arteries of the same name serving the hip and thigh
    circumflex femoral vein.