error : Idioms & Phrases

A clerical error

  • an error made in copying or writing.
Webster 1913

algorithm error

  • noun error resulting from the choice of the wrong algorithm or method for achieving the intended result

Azimuthal error

  • of a transit instrument, its deviation in azimuth from the plane of the meridian.
Webster 1913

by trial and error

  • adverb in an empirical manner
    through empirical observation; empirically.
    • this can be empirically tested

computer error

  • noun (computer science) the occurrence of an incorrect result produced by a computer

disk error

  • noun error resulting from malfunction of a magnetic disk

error correction code

  • noun (telecommunication) a coding system that incorporates extra parity bits in order to detect errors


  • adjective satellite capable of making an error
    • all men are error-prone

hardware error

  • noun error resulting from a malfunction of some physical component of the computer

Heeling error

  • (Naut.), a deviation of the compass caused by the heeling of an iron vessel to one side or the other.
Webster 1913

inborn error of metabolism

  • noun any of a number of diseases in which an inherited defect (usually a missing or inadequate enzyme) results in an abnormality of metabolism

Index error

  • the error in the reading of a mathematical instrument arising from the zero of the index not being in complete adjustment with that of the limb, or with its theoretically perfect position in the instrument; a correction to be applied to the instrument readings equal to the error of the zero adjustment.
Webster 1913

Instrumental errors

  • those errors in instrumental measurements, etc., which arise, exclusively from want of mathematical accuracy in an instrument.
Webster 1913

Law of error, ∨ Law of frequency of error

  • (Mensuration), the law which expresses the relation between the magnitude of an error and the frequency with which that error will be committed in making a large number of careful measurements of a quantity.
Webster 1913

literal error

  • noun a mistake in printed matter resulting from mechanical failures of some kind
    misprint; erratum; literal; typo; literal error.

margin of error

  • noun the margin required in order to insure safety
    safety margin; margin of safety.
    • in engineering the margin of safety is the strength of the material minus the anticipated stress

Mean error

  • (Math. Phys.), the average error of a number of observations found by taking the mean value of the positive and negative errors without regard to sign.
Webster 1913

Mean-square error, ∨ Error of the mean square

  • (Math. Phys.), the error the square of which is the mean of the squares of all the errors; called also, especially by European writers, mean error.
Webster 1913

plaintiff in error

  • noun the party who appeals a decision of a lower court

Probable error

  • (of an observation, or of the mean of a number), that within which, taken positively and negatively, there is an even chance that the real error shall lie. Thus, if 3&sec; is the probable error in a given case, the chances that the real error is greater than 3&sec; are equal to the chances that it is less. The probable error is computed from the observations made, and is used to express their degree of accuracy. now, usually standard deviation is used
Webster 1913

programming error

  • noun error resulting from bad code in some program involved in producing the erroneous result
    programming error.

Residual error

  • . (Mensuration) See Error, 6 (b).
Webster 1913

rounding error

  • noun (mathematics) a miscalculation that results from rounding off numbers to a convenient number of decimals
    • the error in the calculation was attributable to rounding
    • taxes are rounded off to the nearest dollar but the rounding error is surprisingly small

run-time error

  • noun an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time
    run-time error; runtime error.

runtime error

  • noun an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time
    run-time error; runtime error.

semantic error

  • noun an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time
    run-time error; runtime error.

software error

  • noun error resulting from bad code in some program involved in producing the erroneous result
    programming error.

syntax error

  • noun an error of language resulting from code that does not conform to the syntax of the programming language
    • syntax errors can be recognized at compilation time
    • a common syntax error is to omit a parenthesis

system error

  • noun an instruction that is either not recognized by an operating system or is in violation of the procedural rules

trial and error

  • noun experimenting until a solution is found


  • adjective satellite trying out various means or theories until error is satisfactorily reduced or eliminated
    • he argued that all learning is a trial-and-error process that resembles biological evolution
  • adjective satellite relating to solving problems by experience rather than theory
    • they adopted a trial-and-error procedure

truncation error

  • noun (mathematics) a miscalculation that results from cutting off a numerical calculation before it is finished

typographical error

  • noun a mistake in printed matter resulting from mechanical failures of some kind
    misprint; erratum; literal; typo; literal error.

Writ of error

  • noun a judicial writ from an appellate court ordering the court of record to produce the records of trial
  • (Law), an original writ, which lies after judgment in an action at law, in a court of record, to correct some alleged error in the proceedings, or in the judgment of the court.
Webster 1913