enemy : Idioms & Phrases

Alien enemy

  • (Law), one who owes allegiance to a government at war with ours. Abbott.
Webster 1913

mortal enemy

  • noun an enemy who wants to kill you

Mortal foe, Mortal enemy

  • an inveterate, desperate, or implacable enemy; a foe bent on one's destruction.
Webster 1913

Sworn enemies

  • determined or irreconcilable enemies.
Webster 1913

The enemy

  • (Mil.), the hostile force. In this sense it is construed with the verb and pronoun either in the singular or the plural, but more commonly in the singular; as, we have met the enemy and he is ours or they are ours.
Webster 1913

To turn a hostile army, To turn the enemy's flank, or the like

  • (Mil.), to pass round it, and take a position behind it or upon its side.
Webster 1913