elasticity : Idioms & Phrases

Coefficient of elasticity

  • noun (physics) the ratio of the applied stress to the change in shape of an elastic body
    elastic modulus; coefficient of elasticity.
  • the quotient of a stress (of a given kind), by the strain (of a given kind) which it produces; called also coefficient of resistance.
Webster 1913

elasticity of shear

  • noun the elasticity of a body that has been pulled out of shape by a shearing force

Modulus of elasticity

  • noun (physics) the ratio of the applied stress to the change in shape of an elastic body
    elastic modulus; coefficient of elasticity.
  • . (a) The measure of the elastic force of any substance, expressed by the ratio of a stress on a given unit of the substance to the accompanying distortion, or strain . (b) An expression of the force (usually in terms of the height in feet or weight in pounds of a column of the same body) which would be necessary to elongate a prismatic body of a transverse section equal to a given unit, as a square inch or foot, to double, or to compress it to half, its original length, were that degree of elongation or compression possible, or within the limits of elasticity; called also Young's modulus.
Webster 1913

Surface of elasticity

  • (Geom.), the pedal surface of an ellipsoid (see Pedal); a surface used in explaining the phenomena of double refraction and their relation to the elastic force of the luminous ether in crystalline media.
Webster 1913