dutchman : Idioms & Phrases

Dutchman's breeches

  • noun delicate spring-flowering plant of the eastern United States having white flowers with double spurs
    Dicentra cucullaria.
  • (Bot.), a perennial American herb (Dicentra cucullaria), with peculiar double-spurred flowers. See Illust. of Dicentra.
Webster 1913

Dutchman's laudanum

  • (Bot.), a West Indian passion flower (Passiflora Murucuja); also, its fruit.
Webster 1913

Dutchman's pipe

  • (Bot.), an American twining shrub (Aristolochia Sipho). Its flowers have their calyx tubes curved like a tobacco pipe.
Webster 1913


  • noun hardy deciduous vine having large leaves and flowers with the calyx tube curved like the bowl of a pipe
    Aristolochia durior; pipe vine; Aristolochia macrophylla.

flying dutchman

  • noun the captain of a phantom ship (the Flying Dutchman) who was condemned to sail against the wind until Judgment Day
  • noun a phantom ship that is said to appear in storms near the Cape of Good Hope