dine : Idioms & Phrases

dine in

  • verb eat at home
    eat in.

dine out

  • verb eat at a restaurant or at somebody else's home
    eat out.

s. s. van dine

  • noun United States writer of detective novels (1888-1939)
    Wright; Willard Huntington Wright.

To dine with Duke Humphrey

  • to go without dinner; a phrase common in Elizabethan literature, said to be from the practice of the poor gentry, who beguiled the dinner hour by a promenade near the tomb of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, in Old Saint Paul's.
Webster 1913

wine and dine

  • verb eat sumptuously
    • we wined and dined in Paris
  • verb provide with food and drink, usually lavishly