del : Idioms & Phrases

citta del vaticano

  • noun the capital of the State of the Vatican City
    Vatican City.

consolato del mare

Con`so*la"to del ma"re
It., the consulate of the sea.
  1. A collection of maritime laws of disputed origin, supposed to have been first published at Barcelona early in the 14th century. It has formed the basis of most of the subsequent collections of maritime laws. Kent. Bouvier.
Webster 1913

del credere

Del` cred"er*e
It., of belief or trust.
  1. (Mercantile Law) An agreement by which an agent or factor, in consideration of an additional premium or commission (called a del credere commission), engages, when he sells goods on credit, to insure, warrant, or guarantee to his principal the solvency of the purchaser, the engagement of the factor being to pay the debt himself if it is not punctually discharged by the buyer when it becomes due.
Webster 1913

del rio

  • noun a town in southwest Texas on the Rio Grande to the west of San Antonio

ojos del salado

  • noun a mountain in the Andes on the border between Argentina and Chile (22,572 feet high)

santa maria del tule

  • noun a town in southeastern Mexico near Oaxaca; site of Ahuehuete, a giant Montezuma cypress

tierra del fuego

  • noun an archipelago off southern South America; separated from the continent by the Strait of Magellan; islands are administered by Chile and by Argentina

vina del mar

  • noun a resort city on the Pacific in central Chile