cube : Idioms & Phrases

bouillon cube

  • noun a cube of evaporated seasoned meat extract

Cube ore

  • (Min.), pharmacosiderite. It commonly crystallizes in cubes of a green color.
Webster 1913

Cube root

  • noun a number that when multiplied three times equals a given number
  • . (Math.), the number or quantity which, multiplied into itself, and then into the product, produces the given cube; thus, 3 is the cube root of 27, for 3x3x3 = 27.
Webster 1913

Cube spar

  • (Min.), anhydrite; anhydrous calcium sulphate.
Webster 1913


  • adjective satellite shaped like a cube
    cuboidal; cuboid; cubelike; cubiform; cubical.

Duplication of the cube

  • (Math.), the operation of finding a cube having a volume which is double that of a given cube.
Webster 1913

ice cube

  • noun a small cube of artificial ice; used for cooling drinks

stock cube

  • noun a cube of dehydrated stock