creature : Idioms & Phrases

Creature comforts

  • noun things that make you comfortable and at ease
    conveniences; amenities; comforts.
    • all the comforts of home
  • those which minister to the comfort of the body.
Webster 1913


Fel"low-crea"ture noun
  1. One of the same race or kind; one made by the same Creator.
    Reason, by which we are raised above our fellow-creatures, the brutes. I. Watts.
Webster 1913

hypothetical creature

  • noun a creature that has not been observed but is hypothesized to exist

imaginary creature

  • noun a creature of the imagination; a person that exists only in legends or myths or fiction
    imaginary being.

legendary creature

  • noun a monster that is unverifiable but popularly accepted as possibly factual

marine creature

  • noun any of numerous animals inhabiting the sea including e.g. fishes and molluscs and many mammals
    marine animal; marine creature; sea animal.

mythical creature

  • noun a monster renowned in folklore and myth
    mythical monster.

sea creature

  • noun any of numerous animals inhabiting the sea including e.g. fishes and molluscs and many mammals
    marine animal; marine creature; sea animal.