cottonwood : Idioms & Phrases

black cottonwood

  • noun North American poplar with large rounded scalloped leaves and brownish bark and wood
    black cottonwood; Populus heterophylla; downy poplar; swamp poplar.
  • noun cottonwood of western North America with dark green leaves shining above and rusty or silvery beneath
    Populus trichocarpa; Western balsam poplar.

eastern cottonwood

  • noun a common poplar of eastern and central United States; cultivated in United States for its rapid growth and luxuriant foliage and in Europe for timber
    necklace poplar; Populus deltoides.

swamp cottonwood

  • noun North American poplar with large rounded scalloped leaves and brownish bark and wood
    black cottonwood; Populus heterophylla; downy poplar; swamp poplar.