cordon : Idioms & Phrases

chicken cordon bleu

  • noun thin slices of chicken stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed

Cordon bleu

  • noun a chef famous for his great skill
  • noun an honor or award gained for excellence
    blue ribbon.
  • F., blue cordon, a first-rate cook, or one worthy to be the cook of the cordons bleus, or Knights of the Holy Ghost, famous for their good dinners.
Webster 1913

cordon off

  • verb divide by means of a rope
    rope in; rope off.
    • The police roped off the area where the crime occurred

Cordon sanitaire

  • F., sanitary cordon, a line of troops or military posts around a district infected with disease, to cut off communication, and thus prevent the disease from spreading.
Webster 1913

Grand cordon

  • the cordon or broad ribbon, identified with the highest grade in certain honorary orders; hence, a person who holds that grade.
Webster 1913

veal cordon bleu

  • noun thin slices of veal stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed