classical : Idioms & Phrases

classical architecture

  • noun architecture influenced by the ancient Greeks or Romans
    Greco-Roman architecture.

classical ballet

  • noun a style of ballet based on precise conventional steps performed with graceful and flowing movements

classical conditioning

  • noun conditioning that pairs a neutral stimulus with a stimulus that evokes a reflex; the stimulus that evokes the reflex is given whether or not the conditioned response occurs until eventually the neutral stimulus comes to evoke the reflex

classical greek

  • noun the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken and written in Attica and Athens and Ionia
    Attic; Ionic dialect; Ionic.

classical haemophilia

  • noun hemophilia caused by a congenital deficiency of factor VIII; occurs almost exclusively in men
    classical haemophilia; haemophilia A; hemophilia A.

classical hemophilia

  • noun hemophilia caused by a congenital deficiency of factor VIII; occurs almost exclusively in men
    classical haemophilia; haemophilia A; hemophilia A.

classical latin

  • noun the language of educated people in ancient Rome
    • Latin is a language as dead as dead can be. It killed the ancient Romans--and now it's killing me

classical mechanics

  • noun the branch of mechanics based on Newton's laws of motion
    Newtonian mechanics.

classical music

  • noun traditional genre of music conforming to an established form and appealing to critical interest and developed musical taste
    serious music; classical.

classical mythology

  • noun the system of mythology of the Greeks and Romans together; much of Roman mythology (especially the gods) was borrowed from the Greeks

classical scholar

  • noun a student of ancient Greek and Latin

classical style

  • noun the artistic style of ancient Greek art with its emphasis on proportion and harmony

Classicals orders

  • . (Arch.) See under Order.
Webster 1913