choir : Idioms & Phrases

choir loft

  • noun a gallery in a church occupied by the choir

Choir organ

  • (Mus.), one of the three or five distinct organs included in the full organ, each separable from the rest, but all controlled by one performer; a portion of the full organ, complete in itself, and more practicable for ordinary service and in the accompanying of the vocal choir.
Webster 1913

choir school

  • noun a school that is part of a cathedral or monastery where boys with singing ability can receive a general education
    schola cantorum.

Choir screen, Choir wall

  • (Arch.), a screen or low wall separating the choir from the aisles.
Webster 1913

Choir service

  • the service of singing performed by the choir.
Webster 1913

Wood choir

  • the choir, or chorus, of birds in the woods. Poetic Coleridge.
Webster 1913