chancery : Idioms & Phrases

court of chancery

  • noun a court with jurisdiction in equity

Inns of chancery

  • (Eng.), colleges in which young students formerly began their law studies, now occupied chiefly by attorneys, solicitors, etc.
Webster 1913

Master in chancery

  • an officer of courts of equity, who acts as an assistant to the chancellor or judge, by inquiring into various matters referred to him, and reporting thereon to the court.
Webster 1913

To get (or to hold) In chancery

  • (Boxing), to get the head of an antagonist under one's arm, so that one can pommel it with the other fist at will; hence, to have wholly in One's power. The allusion is to the condition of a person involved in the chancery court, where he was helpless, while the lawyers lived upon his estate.
Webster 1913