castle : Idioms & Phrases

Air castle

  • noun absentminded dreaming while awake
    revery; castle in Spain; air castle; daydream; daydreaming; reverie; oneirism.
  • . See Castle in the air, under Castle.
Webster 1913

balmoral castle

  • noun a castle in northeastern Scotland that is a private residence of the British sovereign

castle in spain

  • noun absentminded dreaming while awake
    revery; castle in Spain; air castle; daydream; daydreaming; reverie; oneirism.

Castle in the air

  • noun absentminded dreaming while awake
    revery; castle in Spain; air castle; daydream; daydreaming; reverie; oneirism.
  • a visionary project; a baseless scheme; an air castle; sometimes called a castle in Spain (F. Château en Espagne).
Webster 1913


Cas"tle-guard` noun
  1. The guard or defense of a castle.
  2. (O. Eng. Law) A tax or imposition an a dwelling within a certain distance of a castle, for the purpose of maintaining watch and ward in it; castle-ward.
  3. A feudal tenure, obliging the tenant to perform service within the realm, without limitation of time.
Webster 1913