california : Idioms & Phrases

baja california

  • noun a mountainous peninsula on northwest Mexico
    Baja California.

california allspice

  • noun straggling aromatic shrub of southwestern United States having fragrant brown flowers
    spicebush; Calycanthus occidentalis.

california bay tree

  • noun Pacific coast tree having aromatic foliage and small umbellate flowers followed by olivelike fruit; yields a hard tough wood
    sassafras laurel; pepperwood; Umbellularia californica; California bay tree; California laurel; Oregon myrtle; mountain laurel; spice tree.

california beauty

  • noun any of several handsome evergreen shrubs of California and northern Mexico having downy lobed leaves and showy yellow flowers
    flannelbush; flannel bush.

california black oak

  • noun large deciduous tree of the Pacific coast having deeply parted bristle-tipped leaves
    Quercus kelloggii.

california black walnut

  • noun medium-sized tree with somewhat aromatic compound leaves and edible nuts
    Juglans californica.

california bluebell

  • noun desert plant of southern California with blue or violet tubular flowers in terminal racemes
    Phacelia minor; Phacelia whitlavia; whitlavia.
  • noun annual of southern California with intricately branched stems and lax cymes of aromatic deep blue bell-shaped flowers
    Phacelia campanularia.

california box elder

  • noun maple of the Pacific coast of the United States; fruits are white when mature
    Acer negundo Californicum.

california buckthorn

  • noun evergreen shrub of western United States bearing small red or black fruits
    California buckthorn; Rhamnus californicus; coffeeberry.

california buckwheat

  • noun low-growing shrub with spreading branches and flowers in loose heads; desert regions of western United States (California to Utah)
    Erigonum fasciculatum; wild buckwheat.

california coffee

  • noun evergreen shrub of western United States bearing small red or black fruits
    California buckthorn; Rhamnus californicus; coffeeberry.

california condor

  • noun North American condor; chiefly dull black; almost extinct
    Gymnogyps californianus.

california dandelion

  • noun European weed widely naturalized in North America having yellow flower heads and leaves resembling a cat's ears
    capeweed; Hypochaeris radicata; cat's-ear; gosmore.

california false morel

  • noun a gyromitra with a brown puffed up fertile part and a thick fluted stalk; found under conifers in California
    Gyromitra californica.

california fern

  • noun large branching biennial herb native to Eurasia and Africa and adventive in North America having large fernlike leaves and white flowers; usually found in damp habitats; all parts extremely poisonous
    poison parsley; poison hemlock; hemlock; Nebraska fern; Conium maculatum; winter fern.

california four o'clock

  • noun California four o'clock with purple-red flowers
    Mirabilis laevis; Mirabilis californica.

california fuchsia

  • noun shrublet of southwestern United States to Mexico having brilliant scarlet flowers
    Epilobium canum canum; humming bird's trumpet; Zauschneria californica.

california lady's slipper

  • noun often having many yellow-green orchids with white pouches growing along streams and seeps of southwestern Oregon and northern California
    Cypripedium californicum.

california laurel

  • noun Pacific coast tree having aromatic foliage and small umbellate flowers followed by olivelike fruit; yields a hard tough wood
    sassafras laurel; pepperwood; Umbellularia californica; California bay tree; California laurel; Oregon myrtle; mountain laurel; spice tree.

california live oak

  • noun highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves
    Quercus agrifolia; coast live oak.

california newt

  • noun newt that is similar to Taricha granulosa in characteristics and habitat
    Taricha torosa.

california nutmeg

  • noun California evergreen having a fruit resembling a nutmeg but with a strong turpentine flavor
    nutmeg-yew; Torreya californica.

california olive

  • noun Pacific coast tree having aromatic foliage and small umbellate flowers followed by olivelike fruit; yields a hard tough wood
    sassafras laurel; pepperwood; Umbellularia californica; California bay tree; California laurel; Oregon myrtle; mountain laurel; spice tree.

california personality inventory

  • noun a self-report personality inventory originally derived from the MMPI; consists of several hundred yes-no questions and yields scores on a number of scales including dominance and self acceptance and self control and socialization and achievement etc.

california pitcher plant

  • noun marsh or bog herb having solitary pendulous yellow-green flowers and somewhat twisted pitchers with broad wings below
    Darlingtonia californica.

california pompano

  • noun smaller than Florida pompano; common in West Indies
    palometa; Palometa simillima.

california poppy

  • noun of Pacific coast of North America; widely cultivated for its yellow to red flowers
    Eschscholtzia californica.

california privet

  • noun semi-evergreen Japanese shrub having malodorous flowers; used extensively for hedges because more likely to stay green that common privet
    Ligustrum ovalifolium.

california quail

  • noun plump chunky bird of coastal California and Oregon
    Lofortyx californicus.

california redbud

  • noun shrub of western United States having pink or crimson flowers; often forms thickets
    western redbud; Cercis occidentalis.

california redwood

  • noun lofty evergreen of United States coastal foothills from Oregon to Big Sur; it flourishes in wet, rainy, foggy habitats
    Sequoia sempervirens; coast redwood.

california romero

  • noun an aromatic plant with wooly leaves found in southern California and Mexico
    Trichostema lanatum; black sage; wooly blue curls.

california sage

  • noun low ashy-grey California shrub
    California sage; Artemisia californica.

california sagebrush

  • noun low ashy-grey California shrub
    California sage; Artemisia californica.

california sea lion

  • noun often trained as a show animal
    Zalophus californicus; Zalophus californianus.

california single-leaf pinyon

  • noun very small tree similar to Rocky mountain pinon but having a single needle per fascicle; similar to Parry's pinyon in range
    Pinus californiarum.

california sycamore

  • noun tall tree of Baja California having deciduous bark and large alternate palmately lobed leaves and ball-shaped clusters of flowers
    Platanus racemosa.

california tree poppy

  • noun tall branching subshrub of California and Mexico often cultivated for its silvery-blue foliage and large fragrant white flowers
    matilija poppy; Romneya coulteri.

california whipsnake

  • noun a whipsnake of scrublands and rocky hillsides
    striped racer; Masticophis lateralis.

california white fir

  • noun medium to tall fir of central to western United States having a narrow erect crown and soft wood
    white fir; Abies concolor; Abies lowiana; Colorado fir.

california white oak

  • noun tall graceful deciduous California oak having leathery leaves and slender pointed acorns
    Quercus lobata; roble; valley oak; valley white oak.

california wine

  • noun any of various wines produced in California

california yellow bells

  • noun viscid herb of arid or desert habitats of southwestern United States having pendulous yellow flowers
    whispering bells; Emmanthe penduliflora; yellow bells.

california yew

  • noun small or medium irregularly branched tree of the Pacific coast of North America; yields fine hard close-grained wood
    Pacific yew; western yew; Taxus brevifolia.

capital of california

  • noun a city in north central California 75 miles to the northeast of San Francisco on the Sacramento River; capital of California

gulf of california

  • noun a gulf to the west of the mainland of Mexico
    Sea of Cortes.

lower california

  • noun a mountainous peninsula on northwest Mexico
    Baja California.

pride of california

  • noun shrubby California perennial having large pink or violet flowers; cultivated as an ornamental
    Lathyrus splendens.

university of california at berkeley

  • noun a university in Berkeley, California