bump : Idioms & Phrases

bump around

  • verb shock physically
    shake up; jar.
    • Georgia was shaken up in the Tech game

bump into

  • verb collide violently with an obstacle
    run into; jar against; butt against; knock against.
    • I ran into the telephone pole

bump off

  • verb kill intentionally and with premeditation
    murder; off; slay; dispatch; remove; hit; polish off.
    • The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered

bump up

  • verb increase or raise
    • OPEC bumped up the price of oil

goose bump

  • noun reflex erection of hairs of the skin in response to cold or emotional stress or skin irritation
    horripilation; gooseflesh; goose pimple; goosebump; goose skin; pilomotor reflex.

speed bump

  • noun a hindrance to speeding created by a crosswise ridge in the surface of a roadway